10 | Fallen Empress

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The sound of squeaking shoes and a ball hitting the court was non stop tonight. You were not complaining since you like the sound of it. This is the second night that Tsukishima came to the late practice on his own will.

"Tsukki, (Y/n), you bring your other friend, today?" You looked up to Bokuto and followed his gaze. There you found Hinata peeking through the door. The orange-haired boy flinched when he realised everyone eyes were on him.

"What happened to your partner?" Tsukishima asked the poor boy.

"Kageyama decided to practise alone," You pouted at this. You have been trying to help Tsukishima that the last time you talked to Kageyama was only after he received his punishment, "I asked Kenma, but he ran away after the fifth trial."

"That's impressive, knowing Kenma." Kuroo popped out near the door.

"That's why," "Please let me train with you!"

Now, Haiba Lev is standing beside Hinata. The whole gymnasium deadpanned at the two. Their cheerful and stubborn personality was quite alike. Well, the difference was their height, of course.

"Hey, manager!" Kuroo called out to you, and it's irritating you every time he called you by that nickname.

"What?" You walked towards them, "And please don't call me manager even though I am one."

"What should we do, now? Do you approve the new member?" Your eyes darted to Hinata and Haiba. They stiffened when you look at them with a blank expression.

"Sure." You finally said after seconds of torture, "But," The once happy boys suddenly stiffened again, "Since there are six people now. Let's do a three on three matches."

The team divided as Owl and Cat. The Owl team consist of Bokuto, Akaashi, and Hinata. While the Cat team consist of Kuroo, Haiba, and Tsukishima. You deadpanned a little when you realise the height difference between the two groups.

"Don't mind! You guys can do it, team Owl! Hoot! Hoot!" You tried to encourage them. Bokuto turned to look at you and gave you a blew kiss. Not really a pleasant sight actually. He's your cousin after all.

Both of the team was lively, and you wrote down the new information that you could found and enjoy the match that unfolded in front of you.

Shirofuku and Suzumeda, two managers from Fukurodani, appeared on the door. You walked up to them and asked if they need something.

"It's not that, (L/n)-san." Shirofuku looked at the clock, "It's just if they didn't go to the canteen sooner, it will be closed, and they wouldn't get any dinner." You widened your eyes and thanked the managers for reminding you.

Both of them left, leaving you with six vibrant boys that are too absorbed to their match.

"EVERYONE!" You called out, but they seemed couldn't hear you, "Hoi! The canteen will be close after this! You guys need to eat!" Again, they didn't listen to you shouting at them.

Your eyes darted to a volleyball near the door. You let out a long sigh and grab it.


The boys stopped their movement all of a sudden. A volleyball that's not from the Owl team hit the Cat's side of the court.


"The canteen will be close." You said while clenching your hand, unconsciously, "Eat first." Then you leave the room, didn't want to answer any questions related to it.

The six of them jaw dropped at your sudden act. Bokuto blinked, he didn't know that you could play volleyball. Hinata and Haiba gaze lingered to the door, and it's like they just saw you again with a new light.

"Hey, Bokuto." Kuroo called out to his friend that still silence, "You never tell me that the manager could-"

"Serve?" Bokuto continued, "Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't know that she could do that."

Tsukishima and Akaashi stared to the ground where the ball landed. The ground darkened, leaving a black spot that will be reminding them for the event.


You couldn't help but sense someone's gaze on you. Not someone, some people to be exact. You tried hard not to think about it and just focus on what's in front of you. 

Karasuno got a match with Ubugawa first thing in the morning. Your team could keep up with the score, but eventually lost by two points.

As usual, you helped the others to prepare for towels and mineral waters. Even though Karasuno lost almost all of the match, you know all of them improved quite a lot from this camp only.

The day dragged so fast. A lot of player from Karasuno decided to rest. These past few days, you solely focused on Tsukishima and Hinata. So today you decided to visit Kageyama before going to gymnasium three.

You peeked inside and saw Yachi pass the ball to Kageyama. It's cute how she passes the ball to him. You decided to stand near her instead of coach Ukai.

"Oh, you are here too, (L/n)?" Coach Ukai's question attracted the setter attention. Kageyama turned to look at you, right when Yachi throw a ball at him—resulting in his face to be scarred by the said ball.

"W-wha! I am so sorry!" You chuckled at this, Yachi bowed again and again in front of Kageyama.

"I am sorry to interrupt, and I will come back later." You waved goodbye to the coach and your friends, "You could do it, Tobio-chan. Can't wait to see you nailed the court!" You shouted before leaving the court eventually.

When you put your foot on the gymnasium three, you shuddered at how everyone turned to look at you. They just finished a match based on how tired they are and how they split into two groups.

"Continue, I am just going to stand here." You nodded and stood near the door. But everyone's eyes didn't even leave your figure. It irritated you, "Okay, what do you want?"

"HEY HEY HEYYY~!" Bokuto jumped in front of you, "Since when you could play volleyball, (Y/n)? You never said anything to me! I thought you love me!" You patted his head to calmed him down.

"It's just a coincidence I could serve yesterday." You gulped, you know they are not buying your excuse.

"There's more to it, right?" Kuroo walked up to you with mineral waters on his hand, "See the dark spot over there?" He pointed to the middle-end of the court, "That spot, was made by you."

Your eyes widened, it's not like you want to show off. Maybe because yesterday you were desperate to catch their attention so they would listen to you.

"Well, yes." You let out a long sigh, "I could serve, receive, toss the ball, and even spike." Your eyes looked to Hinata that's staring at you, "But well, I am mostly good to serve and toss the ball. The others? Not so much."

"Would you help that helpless boy over there to serve?" Kuroo pointed at Haiba, "He's bad, really bad. He couldn't hit the ball when he serves."

You looked at Haiba and walked towards him, "Do you want me to teach you?" You asked while using your innocent face. He blushed and nodded vigorously. You immediately pulled him to the court, "Now, let me see how you do it."

With volleyball on his left hand, you step back to give him space. His eyes looked serious, and he tossed the ball to the air. He jumped so high, and it gave you goosebumps when he soars in the air.

But his right hand only hit the air.

Your eyebrows twitched and walked up to him. When he turned to look at you, he felt like satan was ready to bring him to hell. Maybe his feeling was right.

"I wouldn't let you rest, Haiba Lev." You grabbed the ball and spun it with your right hand, "Not until you could hit the ball."

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