25. Atsumu - ice skating ♡

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A stressful last week of school was finally over and winter holidays just started and you couldn't wait to go on a date with your long time boyfriend of 2 years, Atsumu to take you out after the longest time, it had been a while since the last time you both went on a date and now that exams were over and the new year was slowly approaching it seemed like a good idea to have some time spent together as a couple outside of school.

you were getting ready choosing your clothes still wrapped in your towel as you just came out the warm shower

"(y/n)! atsumu is here!" you heard your mother yell from downstairs

"coming!" you rushed opening your closet taking out some decent yet cute clothes to wear for your date

while you also very quickly picked a pair of socks and underwear you heard a knock at the door

"geez mom give me five minutes-" you paused as you looked towards the door  seeing atsumu's head peeked inside your room

"GET OUT YOU IDIOT, I NEED TO CHANGE!" you screamed in shock a little embarrassed as you were only wearing a white towel covering your body

"it's fine geez i'll wait here you can change in the bathroom" atsumu gave you a look

you stared back in disappointment

"fine, salty boy" you turned in a swift motion walking to the bathroom locking the door behind you

it only took you 5 minutes to finish everything, you wore a grey turtle neck sweater with black jeans along with your white air force 1's (this is such a basic white girl outfit omg i'm sorry)

as for make up you only applied a thin layer of mascara and curled your lashes, you put away the make up on the counter and unlocked the door stepping out into your room where atsumu was sitting on the bed looking to the side out the window

his large hooded brown eyes traced their way to your standing figure

"how adorable" he smirked to himself whispering under his breath

"what?" you asked not able to hear what he said earlier

"nothin' let's go (y/n)-chan!" he gave you a smile closing his eyes

he then got up grabbed your hand leading you downstairs

you waved your mother a goodbye in a rush following behind atsumu tightening your grip on his hand

you both walked hand in hand down the side walk with melting snow on the sides from the previous snow storm last night

you peacefully watched the empty trees go by and felt a soft and warm material being wrapped around your neck covering all the way up to cover your nose too

you peeked seeing it was atsumu's red scarf

"your nose is already all red, don't want you to be cold and get sick you dummy" he said patting your head

you blushed underneath the warm scarf smelling the atsumu's sweet cologne that was left on it

after not too long of walking you both arrived at the shopping mall where they had a huge area for ice skating on the first floor

"wait, you never told me we were going to go ice skating" you looked at atsumu in shock

"well now you know, either way it's always been a trendy way for couples to go on dates like this in the winter" he leaned close to you smiling as you both waited in line to get your skating shoes

"don't worry i'll teach you i'm good on ice as well" he dropped his smile to a lazy one

finally setting foot on the ice with shaky legs you held on to atsumu's shoulders while his hands supported you holding your waist

you slowly learnt to get the hang of it and atsumu just stared proudly at you, being happy to see he taught you well until you were able to stand on your own

atsumu skated alongside with you taking your hand and putting it in his, after a bit you both started cracking jokes

you wanted to try and make a distance on your own, although it wasn't long enough until you fell right on your butt (a$$)

you heard atsumu behind you bursting into laughter, he leaned down to your level looking at your pouty face

"awh look at my adorable girlfriend" atsumu kept laughing

"hey, that's now funny i feel like i got a bruise right on my butt too" you complained

"alright, here get up" he offered his hand towards you and helped you stand up

he brushed off the little leftover of the ice that was on your jeans gently with his big hands

"geez atsumu you're way too comfortable in public" you looked at him with a hint of blush rising up to your cheeks

"come on it's been 2 years and you still blush in embarrassment of these things?" he teased with a droopy smirk

"right" you sighed

you spent the rest of the evening under the night sky illuminated by the Christmas fairy lights all around and above the skating ring, barely any couple were still there, you both hugged in the middle of the ring sharing your warmth and hearing atsumu's peaceful heartbeat.

𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐲𝐮𝐮 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 ♡Where stories live. Discover now