5. Asahi - Late at night ♡

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It was around 8:30pm when you came back home from your work shift, you worked part time at a 24 hour conveyance store just so you could make money for your self and try and be a little more independent since you were always asking money to your parents.

you took a quick shower and got changed into casual clothes, you weren't as tired as you thought you would be after a long shift like always, so you decided that maybe going for a walk and get some fresh air and maybe that should help.

"i'm going for a walk mum, ill be back soon!" you yelled as you were going down the stairs

"okay, take care it's late honey" with a reply, your mum could be heard from the kitchen.


No one ever walks around the streets this late at night, it was kind of creepy but yet very relaxing

'ah this is nice, no busy streets, no kids screamin-'

"hey (y/n), care to explain why you are out so late?" the voice from behind you interrupted your thoughts

the voice was no stranger at all to you, you knew that voice very well, you turned around to be met with Asahi, your best friend ever since you were first years in high school, you two were close because of the love both of you had for sports, you were on the track team while Asahi was in the volleyball team as the wing spiker and ace.

you liked him, you always have for as long as you can remember when you first met him and you have always hoped for one day to confess your feeling or perhaps wait for a sign that he might also have the same feelings.

"well, same goes for you man bun dude" you replied in defense calling him by a funny nickname you've been using for years now, you thought it was cute.

"oh you know... just on a late night run and stop calling me that you tsundere girl" he smiled at you

'my god i could melt right now just by looking at that adorable smile' you thought

"HEY DON'T CALL ME THAT! AND SINCE WHEN DID YOU START GOING ON LATE NIGHT RUNS?!" you replied at the nickname that he had also been using a couple times

"uhm...since like...today" he giggled nervously

you stared at him, you crossed your arms raising an eyebrow at him

"okay fine, nishinoya told me you were here cuz he saw you walking past the park and i thought we could spend sometime together, there's been so many tests... you know...it's stressful and since then we haven't been able to hang out..." in a bit nervous mutter he responded scratching the back of his head looking down

'wAiT- this boy really- I'M SHOOK'

you gave him a smile feeling a little blush going up to your cheeks

"well, i don't see why not after all-" you were interrupted once again by now asahi grabbing your wrist and pulling you a little to the side

"yay! ok you see the fair down the street there? how about we go there to hang out" he pointed to the big ferris wheel laying just down the street from where we were

"oh and... IT'S A RACE TSUNDERE GIRL!" he took off running

"ASAHIIII!!!" you screamed as you also sped off knowing that even if he got a head start asahi wouldn't last that long, you knew him too well for this fact

5 minutes later

Asahi was panting hard and running in a sloppy manner over to you, as predicted you arrived first

𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐲𝐮𝐮 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 ♡Where stories live. Discover now