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A loud yelling could be heard throughout the Towa household. While it was normal, they were normally finished within a couple minutes, though this one was different. This one had been going on for what seemed like hours. The smallest Towa had the most prominent of the 4 voices, hers was loud throughout the argument, there were a few moments the words would shake or they would dip in volume due to the long amount of time they had been arguing. The tall, lanky father figure of the household had not spoken much during the argument, no, instead he let his limbs do the talking. Every so often you'd hear the smack of skin against skin. Though it stopped the female for awhile it wasn't enough to stop her for good. Or at least that's what the maids grouped behind the door thought.

They'd heard a sickening crack that seemed to ring out through every room in the house, soon the crack was followed by a loud screech. An inaudible mumble could be heard through the door and the doorknob the the room began to jiggle meaning the argument had finished. The maids gathered before the door had quickly scattered around the surrounding rooms as the male angrily stopped from the room of his so called daughter. After he left the sight of the maids they'd gone to check on the small girl, though it had been risky considering the upset it usually caused. They'd walked to the door frame before it'd hit them, the small whimpers of a small figure slumped over, covering her arm. Her hair covered the majority of her face though from what they could see her face was slightly bruised from the beating she had taken and more would probably show up later.

The smallest maid, wore a sympathetic look on her face, knowing it wouldn't do much she took the first step forward. She tried her hardest to be quiet however the maid had forgotten about the creaky floor board, she wasn't in the room often since this wasn't her assigned room, in fact no one was assigned to the poor child. But at the moment that didn't matter, what mattered was the fact that she'd noticed the maid. The greenette used her free arm to scoot backwards from the form coming closer to her, though the short maid noticed the distress she had already began to walk, she crouched down in front of the child. She looked back at the others crowded around the for guidance though didn't get any form of response.

She took a breath, opening her mouth to speak but instead the shaking form below her spoke. " Monaca's done, Monaca is done with all of this! " Her voice slightly raised and her eyes started to stream. She had looked up at the maid, showing her glossy eyes and the new bruise that had formed on her cheek. The maid took a deep breath and tried calming the small, her efforts hadn't worked and instead she ended up rambling about why she should stay.

" You wouldn't have anywhere to go, plus its not like your father completely hates you, why would you still be here? I mean sure you could run away to an orphanage or something. " The small maid had nervously joked, though the green-haired female had perked up. She gave the maid a forced smile and gently wiped her own tears away. She pushed the female from her wardrobe of a room, almost tripping from her legs being numb, most likely from being sat in the same position for so long.

The green-haired girl quickly packed things into her back, not too much since she didn't want to make her sudden arrival suspicious. She passed by a small window, looking out into the dark of a cold winter night. The moon had already risen and the few stars you could see through the cloudy night twinkled giving her a new hope, hope that she could get away with this. Her olive eyes were dull but the reflection from the stars had given the look of her eyes shining. Maybe one day her eyes truly would sparkle like that. She had looked at her pink hairbrush, though she didn't use it much, the fact that her hair was matted together was evidence of that. But despite her hate of the brush she had gently placed it into her bag anyway. She placed a couple of differently coloured ribbons into her bag, though she only really used the red ones. Grabbing a few plasters she kept in her room in case of serious injuries and a couple of other necessities. She'd hidden the red bag in the very corner of her room, people don't normally come into her and she was aware but precautions were necessary for this mission.

Monaca had tried to get herself comfortable in the cold futon she had grown accustomed to. Tomorrow will be a long day.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29, 2020 ⏰

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