Chapter 1 Who are you ?

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Alina Rose Winston POV

I slowly opened my eyes and closed them again immediately as the sharp artificial LED light hanging from the top with the help of a thin wire fell directly into my eyes making me unable to open my eyes again , eventhough how much I wanted to open them and look at the world. I know I am now lying on the hospital bed with my eyes closed and my tears are slowly making their way from my closed eyelids. I wanted to yell at people to make my pain go away. If my pain would go away from just screaming or yelling then I would definitely had gone dumb by now from all my screaming and would had definitely made all the people in this hospital go deaf or bleeding from ears buy now .
But it doesn't !

I know you guys might think I have gone crazy or you might also think that I am already crazy so I ended up in a hospital. But I want to make one thing clear to you guys that I am perfectly fine though not physically according to my doctors as they say I am sick and indeed they are absolutely right as they are doctors who had studied very hard and know everything what's going on in my organs .

I am trying to divert my earth shaking pain by trying to concentrate on my breath and to the beeping sound of the ECG machine which is trying very hard to keep up with my heartbeat. I don't blame that machine though as my heartbeat doesn't even listen to me and I know I can only hear half of my heart beat as abandoned the other half of it for my own selfish self.

" Excuse me Ma'am ! " I felt someone shake my hand slowly.
I badly wanted to open my eyes and look what's happening around me and majorly what happening to me. I gathered my strength and slowly opened my eyes only to see a blurry vision of a woman in her early twenties in a white dress.
A white dress?
Am I going to be dead?
Is this my last moment?
OMG! Is she an angel from heaven who came to take some of the burden from the earth by taking me and my problems away from this heavy and heavenly place called planet Earth.

Yes, she must be an angel .
My angel who came to cut off the painful strings of pain from me as she did something by holding my wrist and after sometime the pain started to fade away.
Maybe I was right. I am going to die and she is truly an angel my angel . I closed my eyes and opened my eyes again as it is my first time watching an Angel and I wanted to have a clear vision of her although I never believed that angels truly exist but today I wanted to believe all those things which I refuse to believe all my life including the truth that I am not sure I will make through this day or not . As I opened my eyes in slow motion, the person standing in front of me came to my view disappointing me as she wasn't any angel from the heaven. Instead she is nurse of the hospital who was injecting medications into the cannula which is attached to my wrist. She called for the doctors and the doctor's stabilized me. They went outside leaving me all alone with myself. I don't know why but I am slowly drifting to sleep . It may be because of the medications they gave me or may be because even my immune system had decided give up fighting for me me and decided to fight against me as I already over stressed it up to no level I could take .

I think it's the medication as I came to this world again. I don't know how much time this medication succeeded in keeping me away from this world but I woke up to the sobbing sounds of someone.
I think I know who this someone is! I know him from the past 250 days that is eight and half months of my life .
He is the person who bought my almost non-existing life to existence.
He is the one who found me and took care of me to the level that anyone couldn't do for anyone or anything. Because of him that day I found a reason to leave this past eight and half months and fought with myself everyday for myself .

"Now stop crying like a woman who who founded that her husband is cheating on her !" I heard grannie's voice and her comparison of Bran to a woman almost what a smile on my lips . Bran is almost a gaint where as Grannie just look like a Lilliput in front of our Gulliver Bran.
Yes, that's what grannie calls Bran Wood!
Bran Wood is the first grandchild of Grannie and I also met bran's mother aka Grannie's daughter and I will not forget to tell you guys that she is the sweetest woman I have ever met till now in my life.
Yeah.. yeah I know she also even has diabetes confirming her sweetness levels to the world . In the starting days of my travel of becoming non existent to existence I lived with Bran and his mother but later on I shifted with Grannie and she took care of me like a mother would take care of her sick child . Grannie is a best companion to live by as her presence makes you feel light hearted and make you forget all the problems the life is throwing on you but of all I love the relationship of Bran wood in Jane clark, the world's oldest grand son by his brain and the world's youngest grandmom by heart. They both are like Tom and Jerry. Inseparable but unbearable when they are together.
They both pull each Other legs and tease each other to an extent that I feel this entertainment is much more than watching a comic movie in a theatre eating a popcorn .

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