Chapter 5

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~Your Pov~

As the boat makes a stop the Oompa-Loompas started to laugh "What's so funny?" Violet curiously asked. "I think it's from all those doggone cocoa beans," Willy making up an excuse. 

"Hey, by the way, did you guys know that chocolate contains a property that triggers the release of endorphins? Gives one the feeling of being in love," He looked at me as we made eye contact. He smiles as I smiled back.

"All aborad," Willy announced as I help Charlie to get on the boat. "Please let me help you Y/N," Willy held out his hand. 

"Alright," I smiled as he helped me onto the boat. We ended up sitting between Charlie. "Onward!".  The boat slowly started to move to showcase all of Willy's candy creations. 

"Here try some of this. It'll do you good. You look starved to death," He handed the spoon to Charlie.

Taking a sip "It's great!". "That's because it's mixed by the waterfalls," I took a sip of the chocolate. 'it always tasted great' I handed it back to Charlie.

"That's because it's mixed by the waterfall. The waterfall is most important. Mixes the chocolate churns it up, make it light and frothy. No other factory in the world-"You already said that," Verruca cut him off.

He kept quiet for a second "You're all quite short, aren't you?" Willy said. "Well yeah, we're children,' Violet pointed out. 

"Well, that's no excuse. I was never as short as you,". 

"You were once," Mike said. 

"Was not. Know why? Because I distinctly remember putting a hat on top of my head. Look at your short little arms. You could never reach," He wasn't kidding I remember those times.

"Do you even remember what it was like being a kid?" Charlie curiously asked. "Oh, boy do I. Do I?". I noticed Willy was so construed on something. "Willy. William?" I gently shaked his shoulder.

"Yes?" Willy snapped out of his thoughts. "We're heading into a tunnel,". "Oh yeah. Full speed ahead," Willy called out. "How can they see where they're going?" Violet asked. 

"They can't. There's no knowing where they're going. Switch on the lights!". I tightly held onto Willy as the ride speed up as I held Charlie close. As the ride soon went slow and smoothly.

"People keep an eye out. We're passing by very important rooms," Willy pointed out as I look around the rooms.

"What do you use hair cream for?"

"To lock in moisture," Willy said as the ride become intense again. But again slowed down. "Stop the boat. I wanna show you guys something," We get off the boat as I look up it was the inventing room.

"Now this is the most important room in the entire factory. Now, everyone enjoys yourselves but don't touch anything. Okay? go on," I walk around the room "It hasn't changed one bit," I smiled.

"If I did change something I'm afraid you'll be lost around here," I turn around to see Willy. "Godness William you keep scaring me," Willy smiled. 

"You haven't used my real name since we were teenagers," He pointed out. "You know I'll only use it when I'm mad at you," I explain.

"Hey, Mr. Wonka, what's this?" We walk over "Oh let me show you," Oompa-Loompa handed Willy a piece of candy.

"These are everlasting Gobstoppers. They're for children who are given a very little allowance. You can stuck on it all year, and it will never get any smaller. Isn't that neat?" 

"It's like gum," Violet said. "No. Gum for chewing. If you tried chewing one of those gobstoppers you'd break all your little teeth off. But they sure do taste terrific," I stare at it in shock. 

We talked about a candy-like that but Willy you went into a different level. "And this is hair toffee. You suck down one of these little boggers and in exactly half an hour a brand-new crop of hair will grow out over the top of your little noggin. And a mustache and a beard,"

"Who wants a beard?" Mike asked. "Well, beatniks for one. Folk singers and motorbike riders. You know all those, hip, jazzy, super-cool, neat, keen and groovy cats. It's in the fridge daddy-o. Are you help to the jive?"

"Can you dig what I'm laying down? I knew you could. Slide me some skin, soul brother," Willy extended his hand out as nobody took it. He awkwardly put his hand back.

"Unfortunately, the mixture isn't right yet because an Oompa-Loompa tried some yesterday, and well, he-," We look down to see an Oompa-Loompa with hair all the way to the ground covering his face.

I stared in belief as Willy walks over to a different machine. "Watch this," We watch as the machine until a piece of gum pops up."You mean that's it?" Willy looked at Mike "Do you even know 'it' is?"

"It's gum," Violet answers "Yeah, It's a stick of the most amazing and sensational gum in the whole universe. Know why? Know why? Because this gum is a full three-course dinner all itself," Willy explained

"Why would anyone want that?" Mr. Salt asked. I sigh 'Never question Willy's candy. That's what I learned being with him' Willy brought out his note cards. 

"It will be the end of all kitchens and all cooking. Just a little strip of Wonka's magic chewing gum and that is all you will ever need at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. This piece of gum happens to be tomato soup, roast beef, and blueberry pie," He finish off.

"It sound's weird,"

"It sounds like my kind of gum," Violet takes out her current gum putting it under her hair. "I'd rather you didn't. There are still some things that are-"

"I'm the world record holder in chewing gum. I'm not afraid of anything," Violet starts chewing the gum. "How is it, honey?" Mrs. Beauregarde asked. "It's amazing! Tomato soup. I can feel it running down my throat,"

"Yeah. Spit it out," Willy said as I looked at Violet "Violet I think you should-"

"It's changing. Roast beef with baked potato. Crispy skin and butter," I grew concerned. 

"Keep chewing. My little girl gonna be the first person to have a chewing meal," Mrs. Beauregarde didn't care about her own daughter's safety. "Yeah. I'm just concered about the-" Blueberry pie and ice cream!"

"That part," I looked at Willy "What's going to happen to her?" I asked Willy. "What's happening to her nose?" Veruca asked. I look over to see Violet nose changing color. "it's turning blue,"

"Your whole nose has gone to purple," Violet frowns "What do you mean?" She touched her nose. "Violet your turning Violet! What's happening?" Mrs. Beauregarde asked. 

"I told you I hadn't quite got it right because it goes a little funny when it gets to desert it's the blueberry pie that does it. I'm terribly sorry," Willy grabs me pulling me close to him as I held Charlie close to me.

"Mother? What's happening to me," We slowly began to back away from Violet as she completely became Violet and huge. "She's swelling up!" Willy pulled my closer holding me tight. "Like a blueberry,"

"I've tried it on like, 20 Oompa-Loompas and each one ended up as a blueberry. It's just weird," Willy said. "But I can't have a blueberry as a daughter How is she suppose to compete?"

"You can put her in the county fair," Veruca said as Willy agreed with her.


The Oompa-Loompas began to roll Violet out of the room. "I want you to roll Miss Beauregarde into the boat and take her along to the juicing room at once okay?" Willy order. "Juicing room! What are they gonna do to her there?"

"They're gonna squeeze her. Like a little pimple. We gotta squeeze all that juice out of her immediately," Mrs. Beauregarde runs over to help the Oompa-Loompas to roll her daughter out of the room.

"Come on. Let's boogie," We follow Willy out of the inventing room. 

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