|Mattias house|

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A/n~ my stomach hurts so much and I have such a big headache,I think I'm dying but it's ight at least y'all got your update 😌

Nessas party started to get quieter everyone was starting to head home "hey ant,can you drive me to my house and then Mattias?" "Why Mattias?" "My parents are out of town and since they don't trust me by myself they told me to stay at Mattias" "And not kais?" "She doesn't know kais mom like that,Mattias and I's mon spent their entire middle school- college life together" "and when did you and Mattia meet?"
"8th grade, I didn't like talking to him at first but I guess we grew closer" "ok" "can we go now?" I said pointing to the door, It was a silent car ride I felt like Anthony was thinking about something or someone cause he usually doesn't get quiet unless he is
"What's on your mind?" "You" "me?" "Yeah,your gorgeous smile,your amazing scent,your perfect eyes,your perfect body" he stopped the car and looked at me "and your perfect lips" he instantly pulled me into a kiss and I kissed him back,the kissed turned to a make out where I somehow ended up on his lap,his hands started roaming my body.My chest,my waist,my hips to my ass.He finally pulled away from the make out, "how would you feel about being my girlfriend?" I smiled and kissed "100s yes"we hugged for a bit and then realized we were outside my house so I went in to grab some stuff,I packed my usually, makeup,clothes,all my face masks, etc "how long are you staying?" "Knowing them,a few months" "oh,I wish you could stay at my house" he said with a pouting face,I walked over to him and kissed him,"I'll go to your house sometimes,don't worry" "you better" "come let's go before my mom kills me for being late"I dragged him back to the car and the car ride was silent but it wasn't an awkward silence,it was a happy silence in a way ,when we pulled up to Mattias house he helped me bring my bags in and then kissed me goodbye "is that your boyfriend?" I heard Mattias mom ask, "yes" I said why smiling "oh well I hope he doesn't mind that you and Mattia are gonna share a room"FUCKKKKKKK "no I'm sure he won't mind"
I heard footsteps coming up the stairs,Mattia looked sad and I wanted to ask him why but i dont know if he'll open up to me
"Last one" I handed him a big suitcase which had all my clothes in "damn how many bags do you have"we both chuckled "too many" "I can take the couch if you want tia" "nah it's fine you can sleep on the bed"
"You sure?" "Yeah it's fine" "ok" I walked into his bathroom and changed into some shorts and a tank top,when I walked out I instantly felt his eyes on me
"Do you usually dress hot when you go to bed?"
"No I wear my bra to bed" "that's- anyways"
I couldn't sleep,it was around 4am so I decided to text Miranda

Miranda bby🥺



Do you wanna go get something to eat
I can't sleep

Sure, I'll pick you up in 10
Read 4:12am

  I threw on a baggy shirt and some joggers,I put my hair in a bun and walked out the house
I saw Miranda pull up so I jumped in her car
"You look happy" "I'm tired" "hmm mk"
We ate at IHOP and then went back to Miranda's where I passed out on the floor

(Pictures won't load rn so the insta post will be the next chapter 🤦🏻‍♀️)

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