Føur :/

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Mattia and Cynthia were all over each other the entire time at social, I'm pretty sure she even forgot about kairi because he was a little heartbroken about the two as well as I was, I was happy for them don't get me wrong but it's just she knew I liked him...and she even said we should be official but she still chooses to make out with him....right in front of me.....

Alejandro:will y'all ever stop sucking each other's faces,we don't want to see that
Mattia:whatever you're just jealous Vic isn't here
Mya:naw seriously tia no one wants to see you and your girl swap spit
Cynthia:you're just mad cause it's not you

She's right,I was fucking heartbroken that it wasn't me, so without thinking I grabbed kairi and kissed him, I could tell from the corner of my eye Mattia was pissed and Cynthia had a blank look, Alejandro was cheering us as well as Payton, roshaun and Alvaro

Mattia got up and left the room without a word
It took me a moment to decide if I wanted to chase after him or not but eventually I did, I found him by the pool with his feet in the water just staring, he looked like he wanted to cry but fought back tears

He turned his head to me and scoffed
Mattia:what do you want
Mya:to say I'm sorry :(
Mattia: as if you mean it, you're only saying it cause you feel bad
He's not wrong,I do feel bad for hurting him but at the same time he hurt me too :((

Mya:I mean yeah but I shouldn't have kissed kairi to make you jealous
Matti:it's fine
He just continued to stare at the water the entire time
It got really quiet and I was bored so I decided to swim, I mean there's nothing else to do anyways
As I was taking off my clothes he looked at me confused

Mattia: what are you doing?
Mya:umm going for a swim what does it look like
I jumped in the water hoping to splash him
I did
Mya:sorry 😂
Mattia:you're going to regret that
Mya:is that so
Mattia took off his shirt and pant and jumped in the water as well
He chased me around the pool for a good 10 minutes until I finally gave up
Mya:ok ok fine, I'm tired
Mya:yes :3
Mattia started tickling me and my laugh echoed the pool area
Mya: s-st- stop
Mattia: why
Mya: b-bec-because
He stopped and stared at me to answer,I took the chance to run out the pool and of course he followed
Mattia: come back here
He chased me all the way to the hotel room
And of course when we walked him everyone was staring at us, mainly Cynthia
Mya: h-hi
Kairi:you two had fun?
Mya:shut up
Alvaro:you guys going to change cause your wetting the floor
Mattia: shit I forgot about that
Mya: do you want to change or ?
Mattia: ladies first
He winked at me and I just flipped him off , grabbed my clothes and headed towards the bathroom

Mattia: what are you doing?Mya:umm going for a swim what does it look like I jumped in the water hoping to splash himI didMya:sorry 😂Mattia:you're going to regret thatMya:is that so Mattia took off his shirt and pant and jumped in the water as we...

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Ok but can we talk about how cute he is 🥺

Also school sucks ass

Mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now