Rule #1 - Travel light

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Ok so this is my attempt at a zombie apocalypse novel.  This is the first chapter, and I won't upload any more until my other book (The Game Is On) is completed - which hopefully shouldn't be long.

Rule #1 - Travel light

You don't get warning with a zombie apocalypse, it just sort of...happens.  There's nothing anybody can do about it, as much as you can you just need to go with the flow - unless the flow is trying to eat you, then go the other way. 

I realised first-hand what had happened to the world when driving home from work.  I'm eighteen and hadn't long passed my test, so you could imagine my utmost horror when an old lady (my neighbour Mrs Adle no less!) hobbled out into the road without warning and collided with my little Ford Fiesta.  I felt my heart stop as I slammed the breaks and practically leapt out of the car to her body.  She was lying still, too still, and her arms were bent at unnatural angles.

"Oh god, oh god no no no..." I mumbled as the panic rose inside of me, realising I had just killed my innocent neighbour.  I dialled 999 as quickly as my shaking fingers would allow, because I didn't know what else to do.  An even bigger shock though, was when I noticed her twisted arms move to the ground and push her body up to her feet.  My mouth dropped and I hung up the phone. "Mrs Adle!  Oh I'm so so sorry about that, I didn't see you..." I trailed off my apologetic speech as she slowly turned around.  Her eyes were glazed and her mouth was hanging open slightly.  Her skin was paled and scratched from the contact with the tarmac.  She was wobbling like a toddler learning to walk, as she didn't look stable on her fragile legs.  I moved forwards to help her back into her house, but stopped in my tracks as a noise I can only describe as a guttural snarl fell from her blanched lips.  And when her nose began to sniff like a wolf on the hunt I realised something was wrong.  I began to move backwards, and surely enough she followed.  Her steps were uneven, but somehow her body managed to remain somewhat upright - despite the fact her left foot had now become entirely dislocated!  My heart beat raced as I slipped back into my car and locked the doors.  Initially, she just stood by my window and rocked from side to side.  As the minutes passed, I began to believe I was being silly, and that this lady (who I had just run over) needed my help.  I went to unlock my door but jumped back in fright as Mrs Adle, who was just a moment ago struggling to stand up, but was now throwing her frail body against my door.  I flinched every time she made contact as the sickening sound of bones cracking was audible even through the door.  I bit my tongue and swallowed the lump in my throat as I turned the keys and floored it away from Mrs Adle, who made a futile attempt to stagger after me.  It took me less than five minutes to drive down the empty street and to my small house.  Darting from my car to the front door, I noticed it was ajar.  Not thinking, I barged inside and called out for my parents.  I didn't get a reply, so after checking every room, I sank to the floor and let the tears fall.  They had been here; the bedrooms were practically cleared of clothes, and the kitchen was virtually empty.  A long, muffled moaning sound brought me back to reality.  It could have been wishful thinking, but it sounded like my dad.  I jumped up and followed the noise, finding myself outside our downstairs bathroom.  Without hesitating, I pulled the door open...mistake number one.  The noise hadn't come from my dad, for the creature before me was unrecognisable.  It looked male judging by it's height and build, but he was missing an arm, his clothes were torn and blood stained, and when he turned around I could see his skin was peeling revealing more bloodied flesh and his eyes...those eyes.  They were exactly like Mrs Adle's; glazed and lifeless.  He started to growl and hobble towards me, but I quickly slammed the door and pulled a chair in front of it, hoping it would hold him there long enough for me to get out. 

I started for the front door until I realised that I would need supplies.  I rushed back to the kitchen which was practically empty.  I growled in anger at my parents for taking everything and slammed the cupboards shut.  As I checked the pantry though, my anger diminished.  There on the shelf was a large duffle bag with a letter addressed to me.  I shoved the letter inside the bag and smiled as I noticed it was full of supplies; bread, granola bars, water bottles, fruits, crisps, clothes and money.  I zipped it back up, and ran to my car, refusing to look back at the house I had grown up in (and refusing to acknowledge the fact that there was a zombie now shut inside the bathroom). 

Once inside my car, I locked the doors and quickly read the letter.


We waited for as long as we could, but they were beginning to close in.  I don't know who or what they are, your father keeps telling us that they're zombies - but I'm sure there's a more rational explanation.  Anyway, we have left you supplies, the food should last you a few weeks if you ration it carefully, but we will find each other before then I'm sure.  We are heading to your grandparents' house, we will wait for you there for as long as possible - if we don't see you, I will find a way to contact you. 

All my love,



I felt the tears well up as I realised I was going to have to do this alone.  I took a shaky breath and started my car, before turning around and driving back the way I had come.  I passed Mrs Adle who was standing idly in the road until my car drove by, which piqued her interest and again she attempted to follow. 

My grandparents lived about thirty miles away, which would have been a breeze if after ten minutes into my journey, my car didn't run out of petrol.  I growled in frustration and hit the steering wheel, accidently making the horn blare which scared me more.  In an angry fit, I grabbed my bag and stepped out of the car, making sure to slam the door as hard as I could.  I sighed deeply as I looked around; I was on a long straight road lined with trees either side which concealed dense forests.  I began to walk along the road, quickly regretting the fact that my bag was so heavy.  As I walked, I took out the clothes and dumped them on the road - food was more important I thought.  It was just as well that I'd offloaded a little, as fifty or so metres ahead of me I noticed a small group (four or so) of zombies.  I made eye contact with one, and felt my whole body freeze.  They began to move towards me, slowly, falling over one another but getting up and pressing on.  Adrenaline shot through my body like fire and I instinctively took to the trees.  My bag hit against my body as I sprinted through the dense foliage, dodging trees (which was pretty hard considering I was racing through the forest) and narrowly avoiding running face first into said trees.  I kept this up for what felt like hours, but when I had to stop for breath, I realised it had been merely two minutes.  I mentally slapped myself for bringing such a big bag - I could usually run for twenty to thirty minutes without needed a break, but this heavy bag really dragged me down.  Thankfully I had run in a relatively straight line, so I turned to my left and began to walk slowly - hoping that I was now parallel with the main road. 

The minutes turned to hours and the night drew closer.  It must have been around 7pm as it was getting pretty dark.  I knew I wasn't safe on the ground as there could be more zombies nearby, so reluctantly I began to climb a tree (which is easier said than done with a stupidly big duffel bag).  It took me a while to get enough grip to throw my bag up and hoist myself onto some branches that were high enough to keep me safe from the wandering zombies below.  As I leant my back against the tree, I opened my bag and forced down an apple and some crackers - I wasn't hungry but I was severely lacking on energy, and if I didn't eat I'm pretty sure I would've passed out.  Sleep came easily as exhaustion washed over me, taking me away from this Hell where I was alone.  


Ok well I hope that you liked that (if anybody read it :p).  Let me know your opinions of it :D

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⏰ Última actualización: Nov 30, 2014 ⏰

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