
"You're listening to the PARTY, fiercely independent radio, one hundred percent free of corporal influence." Sam said into the microphone.
"Except for this, brought to you by Nasty Burger. Nasty is one letter away from tasty." Tucker said in a salesman's voice.
"Wait! You've got to stop the broadcast, the party downstairs is getting out of control!" Danny burst in the ops center.
"There's a party downstairs?" Sam and Tucker smiled excitedly.
"How can you not know?" Danny sighed.
"We've been kinda busy with the premiere broadcast!" Sam scoffed.
"You took a vapor drone promo disc?" Danny raised an eyebrow.
"They make great scratch fodder." Sam grinned as she scratched the Vinyl record.
"Leave your kids, come-"
"Wait a minute, play that backwards again, slowly." Danny starts.
"Leave your kids, come to the cruise. Leave your kids."
"Subliminalizing?" Sam wondered.
"More like mind control." I added.
"Using music to control people. Why does that sound so familiar?" Tucker asked.
"That's right Poppins! Ember's back and ready to rock!" The blue haired guitarist exclaimed from the Pirate ship.
"M. Bersback... EMBER'S BACK!" Danny smacked his head just realizing this.

"Activate the defense system!" Danny called to us.
"How!?" Sam and Tucker asked as I scratched the disc.
"Fight music with music." I said as I got my war face on.


"I need to get our parents back!" Danny said.
"How? You can't past the ghost shield on that pirate ship" I asked.
"Maybe Danny Phantom can't but Danny Fenton CAN." He smiled as he got everyone's attention. "Listen up people! If you want your parents back, you're going to have to follow my lead!"
"Why should we follow you, Fentoad?
"You're right, Dash. Let's follow the other kid that comes from a family of ghost hunters and knows how to work all their gear!" I sassed.
"No takers? All right then who's with me?" Danny took my hand and held it up. (Peta and Katniss... lol... sorry.)
"Wow, Danny. How'd you do that?" Sam asked.
"Just have to know the right words." Danny replied with a smirk.


"Paulina, you're good with makeup. I need you to disguise Tucker as an adult, so he can get aboard the pirate ship and disable it from within." Danny directed.
"Ay-ay, Captain. Though you still have no shot with me." She saluted.
"Sam, keep scratching. It's our only weapon against that ghost ship. Kwan you're on defense. Protect Sam and keep her on the air. Dash, you're with me on offense. We're going to spring the adults from the pirate ship." Danny continued.
"So I get to hit people?" Dash grinned.
"Oh yeah! Not me!" Danny exclaimed shielding his face.
"Sorry, old habits." He apologized.
"Ok guys, let's move." Danny said after everyone got in orange jumpsuits.


On Danny's signal we all jumped from the ops center onto the Pirate ship but soon got captured.
"The only one rocking this boat is me!" Ember yelled as her music put a dome around us.
"Time to walk the plank, sharkbait." Youngblood was about to grab Danny but decided I'd be better and placed me on a plank hovering probably about 100 feet from the ocean.
"No! Take me!" Danny yelled as Ember grabbed him and put him next to me on the small wooden board, which I slipped. Thank goodness Danny wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Don't let go ok?" I whispered in his ear as my voice wavered at how unsafe I felt.
"I wouldn't even dream of it." He whispered back as Danny picked me up and threw me back into the dome.
"NO!" I cried out as Youngblood pushed him overboard. Dash had to hold me back, but Ember grabbed me again and tossed me overboard as well. I let out a shrill scream as I fell, and I heard my name being screamed by my classmates.
"It's ok, I got you, YN." Danny said after he caught me bridal style.
"You jerk! I thought you got hurt!" I cried as he pulled me closer into his chest.
"I'm ok. Like I said in your room that night, I'm not going anywhere." He smiled as he flew us back onto the boat. He sets me down easily before his hands started to glow with green ectoplasmic energy and shot them.
"Looking for this?" Danny said as he held up Ember's guitar. She shot at him but missed and burned the sail.
"Oh well, probably not the best idea. Bon voyage, catch you on my come back tour!" She said as she flew away.


"Oh look! It's the ghost boy!" Paulina gushes.
"Hey where's YN?! And Fenton?" Dash asks as Danny carries me over.
"And Fenton is safe, I rescued him. He sure is cool." Danny tried as I tried to cover up a laugh.
"I can walk you know." I whispered in his ear as he blushed and set me down.


Dash broke down the door that held the parents in it, as the ship started to plummet.
"Everyone huddle together! Now!" Danny yelled as he held onto me and Paulina glared daggers at me. Nevertheless, we all huddled close to Danny as he went intangible and flew us to the dock.
Danny detransformed and walked over to us just to get punched in the shoulder by Dash.
"Ow! What was for!?" Danny whined as he rubbed his shoulder.
"That's for abandoning us in the middle of the fight! That's the last time I listen to you, Fentoeneck!" He yelled as he walked away.
"Ow! YN!?" He whined as I punched him too and hugged him.
"That was so they think I just saw you again, and it's also because I didn't get to punch you when you caught me." I whispered in his ear as I gave him a light kiss on his cheek and walked home to welcome my parents back, not knowing that something big was about to take place in the following days.

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