
Start from the beginning

After Mateo was fed Dream insisted that I started eating as she burped him and laid him in his little swing we had set up in the living room. She got her food and began eating while we watched Toy Story 4. After we were done eating Mateo began crying so Dream went over and picked him up. "Woah someone is stinky," she said scrunching her nose. "Bring me his diaper bag I'll change him," I said holding my arms out.

Dream shook her head "you rest I'll change him" she replied. I didn't fight her on it she carefully walked with him in her arms and out of sight. While she was gone I tried finding something else for us to watch. She had been gone for longer than it should have taken I was just about to yell for her she walked in the living room. "Everything alright? You took a while up there." I asked.

"I was looking at his belly button, you should check it because it doesn't look right to me." I instantly was on edge she handed me the baby gently and stood at my side. I was just solely focused on Teo and seeing if we would need to take him back to the hospital. I began unwrapping him from his blanket. I was still a little salty that Dream had already mastered the perfect swaddle.

Once the blanket was free I gasped at what I was looking at. The words I read brought tears to my eyes and I began shaking. I looked to where Dream was standing as she was now bent down on one knee.

"This all wasn't how I had planned but this is what felt right. I know we're young and I know we haven't even made it a full year together yet but I know that I want this, I want you for the rest of my life. And please don't think that I felt pressured to ask you this just because we have a baby together because that's not the case at all. I've wanted to do this before you even got pregnant. But I want to be the one that's by your side through the good and the bad. I want to experience every new chapter of life with you and no one else. I want to have more babies with you, to grow old with you and watch our grandkids run around the yard together.

I didn't know what love was until I met you, I didn't know what it was like to have someone care about me wholeheartedly until you came into my life. So, Veronica Cecilia, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife? Will you marry me?" She opened the box and showed me the most beautiful diamond ring making me cry even harder. "Yes, yes baby I'll marry you a million times yes!" I replied.

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