31| Ray Of Sunshine

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Even though Patrick says he hasn't been playing his best hockey he was still picked to go to this years all-star game in Raleigh, Carolina. He was a alternate captain and was joined by Jonny, the other Patrick and Duncan for the festivities which was awesome. I myself got dragged out here and at least this means I know some people and they can help me get around this strange new city because directions are not my strong suit. You can even ask Patrick because there's been a few times I sent him to the wrong place because I suck at telling directions. I know where to go but not how to get there, but he does get there.

I tried to tell him that he could live his life on his own and he didn't need me to follow him around and keep him out of trouble. He hasn't drank for a while and although he struggles with handling feelings at least he can recognize he has them all his own now. But he insisted I came with him and followed him around. After spending so much time in the hospital it was nice to get out and see something new. I've never been here before and since a few of the girls I've gotten close with was here too I knew that when Patrick was off doing his hockey things I still have people I can talk to.

We decide to meet up with our friends because even though Patrick was so excited to meet the best players in the league right now and talk stats to them, he was still more comfortable with the guys he knew and who knew him. From a outsiders view there's a lot of people who have opinions on him, a lot of the people he plays against doesn't like him and rightfully so. He has also earned his respect off of it too. Not because of what he does off the ice but how good he is on it. With the dislike is a lot of respect too, people know when they're playing him and that they can't do the same things with him as they do with everyone else. But he was a child of the game and he loves to pick peoples brain. He knew which hand everyone shot with and their position and their numbers. He was kind of a nerd in that department but not a lot of people knew that. Hockey nerd doesn't sell as well as a drunken mess so unfortunately for Patrick that kind of news isn't really news at all.

So we sit down at dinner and break off into conversations. The all star draft and all that just got over so the teams were picked. The skills competition was tomorrow and then the games the day after. It was a busy few days here which is just what I needed to get my mind off of things.

"So what are you wearing on the red carpet tomorrow? I want to know if I over dressed" Dayna claims.

I raise a eyebrow at her as I try to figure out what in the world she was talking about. "I'm not going on a red carpet" I insist. I'm a personal assistant not some arm candy.

"That's not what Patrick is saying" she accuses.

I look over to Patrick who was already looking at me. He notices my confused expression and his smile falls. "What did I do this time" he questions.

"When were you planning on telling me that I am supposed to be accompanying you on a red carpet" I question.

"We haven't talked about that yet" he questions genuinely confused.

"No! We haven't" I say.

"Oopsies" he blushes. I shake my head because this is why I need to know these things. As his personal assistant it's my job to make sure stuff like this is lined up, I can't believe out of everything this is the one thing that slips his mind.

"Why me? Guys don't bring their personal assistants on red carpets with them" I try.

"No. But they bring their best friends" he admits.

I let out a sigh as I shake my head. "I didn't bring anything to wear that belongs on a red carpet. I don't want you to walk there by yourself and for you to feel alone, but it's not like I had time to figure this stuff out" I defend.

"I'll help you find a dress tonight" Dayna insists.

"Me too" Abby cheers.

"You don't have to if you don't want to" Patrick admits. I see his face grow sad and it just broke my heart. "I get if you would rather not have to come. This is my life and not yours and I didn't give you time to get ready. I understand if you would rather just watch from afar."

"Now I never said that" I smirk. He smiles back at me as he lets out a breath he was holding.

"So you'll do it" he asks.

"I won't be happy about it but I'll do it" I tease.

"That's the spirit" he laughs.

So after dinner I go shopping and we find me a dress that would look good with what Patrick was wearing. I would know because I pick out his suit like always.

The next day I get up and meet with Abby and Dayna as we get ready for the red carpet tonight. I was a little nervous because I really don't belong out there, I don't do so hot in the spotlight. I pray that since this was for hockey they will focus on Patrick and leave me be.

After I slip into the dress I do my makeup and try to do something with my hair

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After I slip into the dress I do my makeup and try to do something with my hair. Once I ultimately fail I have Dayna help me out then I was ready to go. Well, physically I was.

"Why do you look so nervous" Abby asks.

"I'm just not the type of girl to draw attention to myself. I always hated it, even when I was a little girl and my mom would dress me up like a doll and show me off. Some people are made to be famous and some just aren't. I'm the second one" I explain.

"I get it, I really do. Just stay close to Patrick and he will make sure you're safe" she claims.

I sure hope she's right.

We meet up with the boys at the arena because they were there early for pictures and media. I find Patrick talking to some of the other players and I walk over to him. His eyes finds me and he stops talking to turn to me. He looks me up and down before smiling so big.

"Wow Chels, you look..." he trails off.

"Don't say it" I warn him.

"I was going to say like a ray of sunshine but you do look like a princess too" he admits.

I just roll my eyes before shaking my head. Doesn't ever take a day off, does he?

"Are you going to introduce us to your very beautiful lady friend" one of the guys says and I start to blush.

He wraps his arm around me and pulls me into his side making me feel a lot better. "Guys this is my best friend Chelsea. Chels this is Big Buff, Phil Kessel and Mike Green" he introduces.

"It's a pleasure to met you all" I smile.

"You too" Phil smiles back. He seemed like a cool dude.

Once they finish talking Patrick grabs my hand and takes me to the red carpet. We sit and wait for our turn and I start to feast on my nails. I feel someone pull my hand away from my mouth and see Patrick look down at me.

"I'm the mess in this relationship, remember" he asks making me smile.

"Yeah I remember" I tease. "I just feel awkward. I'm a personal assistant and some of these girls here look like gods. I don't feel like I belong" I explain.

"You belong by my side. So if you ask me you're right where you need to be" he claims.

"I guess you're right" I smile.

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