Chapter Eight

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"He's taken a lot longer to come too then the girl, are you sure you didn't put too much on that clothe," "no I told you, she's had more experience with this type of thing then him." I heard the two hushed voices arguing above me as I start to wake up, I feel a raw ache in all my muscles as I flex them and It feels as if I've been hit by a bus that then reversed back onto me. When I feel a slice of pain surface on my back I try to move my arm to find the source of the pain when I realise my arms are restrained, my eyes fly open and I pull my arms against the straps that are tied around my wrists. I look down to see that my ankles are also attached to a metal table that I'm laid out on, I look around to room for a way of escape and once I take in my surroundings I wish I'd never opened my eyes at all. The walls are painted white but look as if they'd been drenched in grime, the floor is tiled and in contrast to the walls look as if you could eat your dinner off it. There are hooks on right wall nearest the door which holds up multiple large surgical tools, ones that look recently used as the dry blood still clings on to the gleaming metal. There's a table to my right which hold smaller tools like scalpels and forceps which by the looks of them have been used not two hours ago, thick red blood races in and out of the tools forming puddles at the ends of the tray. I look down at myself once more to see a long gash in my right leg that has been newly stitched and I can't help the cry of help that comes out my mouth, the adrenaline now gone leaves me with the burning agony of a fresh wound.

"Ah you're finally awake," comes a strangely familiar voice from the speakers that are propped on the far walls, "I've been waiting for this a long time and now you are both awake it's time for judgment day to begin." With that the voice cuts off leaving a ringing in the air, what the hell does he mean and who is this crazy son of a bitch! The last thing I remember was seeing Amelia's limp body and an intense shot of worry strikes through me, where is she? Is she ok? I struggle against my restraints and shout to the ceiling hoping someone is listening, "where is she and why the hell are you doing this!" my voice echoes off the walls in the silence I'm met with, I guess it's time to try something different, I lean over to my right and try to grab the tray of tools with my mouth. If only I could reach it I could free myself and go in search of Amelia, but I just can reach and as I pull one last hard time the door flies open and two large men come waltzing in laughing at my pathetic attempt at escape. The tallest one was black and had a scar running straight through one eye, from his forehead to his chin. He stood at about 6'4 and was built like a bull. The second guy was shorter but just as muscly with eyes as black as darkness and hair as white as snow which matched his paper white complexion. I notice how they both had the same blue top and jeans on as they stride straight towards me as they begin to talk, "it's futile, your lame idea of escape is pitiful especially compared to your little girlfriend." I know it's weird but I don't care how she tried to free herself or how much better it was then my attempt all I want to do is correct the man on his mistake, "wife." I say it with a clenched jaw both the men glare down at me and black eyes hiss' he reply at me "I don't care what that bitch is to you, soon it won't even matter to you either." I can't handle just how vague his reply was, I want to know everything now because I can't handle my unknown future in this place. I'm frightened of what will happen to me they've already cut open my leg and god knows what they did that for, so I decide to ignore his comment and ask something new "what happened to my leg?" scar looks at my leg and smiles wickedly "that's for us to know and you to find out." And then they are heading towards the door with only one passing comment "you will be collected at six for judgment." And then I'm alone all over again without even knowing what time it is and without knowing where the hell I am, where the hell Amelia is and I realise how powerless I am. Just a man on death row is all I am now, awaiting my fate.

When six o'clock apparently rolls around I'm turning almost insane with my own thoughts of the secrecy of my future, and when the door opens to the room and my new companions walk steadily towards me I try to calculate my likelihood of getting away. I come to the conclusion that with my bad leg I'd end up worse off if I tried, so I just lay still as they untie me and drag me off the table each holding an arm each hoisting me to my feet. Without saying a word, they carry me with my feet dragging behind me down a dark hall that seemed to last forever and I wonder if Amelia will be where they are taking me. Considering the large amount of time I spent on my own tied up with only the brightly lit ceiling as friend I thought about what she said to me, about how I already knew who she was and I finally figured it out. The night Camilla was killed in my bed by the masked intruder I remember the way she moved so skilfully and the only other time I've ever seen someone so small handle their body the way she did was when Amelia killed Esme, It was her all along. The revelation that I am married to the damn Corvo di Morti was way too much to handle, the most feared man who struck horror in everything that breathed was not only a woman but Amelia Romero. My dad told me why Camilla was killed but he lied when he said that himself and Mr Romero ordered the hit, my sister was the one to tell me it was the Corvo di Morti that did it because he wanted to protect the family. When she told me that, I was so confused but now I know why, I embarrassed Amelia that night so she made sure it didn't happen again and Camilla was working for the Deserta. I don't know if I want to see her or not, weather I want her to be where they are taking me or weather I want her to stay far away. But I don't have a choice in the matter and as they open the door to what looks like an arena; the great stone walls that rises Above 30 foot and the dirt covered floor which still had remnants of death lingering deep in the ground. When I look to my left I see her, lying flat on her back looking straight up at the sky through the open roof. I walk slowly over to her like I'm approaching the most dangerous animal alive and I guess in a sense I am; I'm willingly hobbling over to the girl who's the source of millions of deaths. The girl who right now looks nothing but sad and as I come closer my heart stops, she turns her head and smiles weakly at me but all I can see is the gash running through her lip and her eye that has been swallowed in black. I may not know her that well but my chest squeezes at the thought of her being hurt, seeing her lying there all bashed up I can't help but feed my urge to go over and comfort her. I slowly fold my body next to hers and hold her face in my hand as I brush over her wounds with my other hand, "who did this?" I ask in a soft whisper, "fucker one and two over there, I got loose of my binds and managed to give scar face a little fist kiss before I was tasered to the ground and pummelled." Her face stays blank as she looks up at me but I can see the hint of defeat in her eyes, as if she already given up. "Amelia..." I let her name draw out of my mouth in a sigh as I have no clue what to say, "look Hunter this isn't the first time I've been taken but I don't know how I'm going to get us both out of here, the last time I barely escaped with my life." She lowered her head and I know why she's so beaten up by this, she's the hunter who's been hunted and now she can't save herself. "hey, we are in this together I don't care who you are or what you've done, I don't care that you've been slaughtering people for fun for years or that I watched you slice my ex-girlfriend's throat in front of me or that you killed that girl in my bed. We are a team." She looks up at me in shock, I'm guessing that she's never heard them words from someone's' mouth "I've never been in a proper team before, I suck at communication." With my suspicions confirmed I whisper "well get good." Just as the same voice I'd heard earlier echoed though the room "so here we are, this is judgment day. If you can complete your individual tasks and succeed you will live if not, you will die. Simple." Before the man even finished talking Amelia's up on her feet shouting, "how about you come down here and I'll show you just how simple killing you would be you fucking dickwad!" I climb up onto my feet and hold her to my chest and shush her, trying to calm her is like trying to get in the way of a bull and its red flag but she simmers down slightly. Well until the gravelly laughter starts ringing through the speakers, then she starts growling loudly at the air, "you will meet me soon enough my girl, but first there are two cups placed either side of the arena I want you to walk to separate side and dink what's in the cup." Now it seems to be her turn to laugh as she says "why the fuck would we do that?" the reply was simple "otherwise you die." And I believed him as suddenly four big men morphed from the shadows and drew closer to us and immediately I say "we'll do it" and I turn to her and plead her with my eyes as I know with my leg I wouldn't be able to fight these men off. She sighs as she gazes down at my leg and I know she understands my motive, that even though she could probably fight her way through a few men to one door she wouldn't be able to fight them all for me as well. I feel like a burden on her shoulders but I couldn't even hold any men off for her for long, I'm too weak, she'd be caught and killed within minutes and that's just not wise.

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