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The Start of Something New

Life isn't easy when you have a famous brother, but life can be even harder if you don't tell people that you are actually he's twin. Yeah, that's my life. I am y/n Hossler, you probably know my twin brother. The famous Jaden Hossler, known for being a singer and tik toker. I know what you are probably are thinking "How am I so stupid?! Why doesn't anyone know that she is his twin? Aren't they supposed to look alike?" Well, because Jaden and I have made a promise to never tell anyone about this. Yes, we look somehow alike, we do have the same eyes and nose but I have features he doesn't have, like my freckles. We both dyed our hair black and then he changed it, he bleached the ends, so maybe that's why we don't look that much like twins. I think the few people who know that we are our family and my two best friends, Avani Gregg and Addison Rae. People usually ship me and Jaden, his fans think that I am either his close friend or that I am his girlfriend, because he is always doing tik tok's with me. I don't mind, I just don't like being famous and the most important thing of all; There's someone that can't know who I am.... But that will be explained later on.... Now let's get going with our story, welcome to my life which I call "Comatose."

Y/N's P.O.V

"Y/N WAKE UP!?" Jaden's voice fills my room as he pulls the curtains, letting all the morning light get in my room. I groan, covering my face with the pillow and showing my back to the window. Why does he always do this? Doesn't he know how much I hate this? But it gets worse when he starts jumping on the bed, making me bounce around. I groan and sit up, hitting him with the pillow.

"OUCHHHH!" He moans as he stops bouncing.

"Let me sleep, thank you" I lay down and cover my face with my bed sheet, yet, he pulls it off and makes me sit up.


"Why?" I glare at him.

"Because WE are moving" he points at both of us.

"Excuse me? WE?" I look at him, raising a brow.

"OH yes, we, you and me." He smiles.

"And may I know where?" It was all so sudden, but what can I do... Jaden is spontaneous.

"Sway LA, Baby." He clapped his hands.

"What a heck is that?" I rubbed my forehead, why was he so immature sometimes.

"You never listen when I talk don't you?" He glares at me "We are going to live in LA with my closest friends."

"OH great, yeah. And what makes you think that I will say yes? I don't even know your friends" I glared at him.

"Well, I know you will say yes, because it's LA and your friends are in LA." He looks in my eyes. "And if you say no, you will still have to come, as mom said you are coming with me. Plus, you DO know my friends," I glared at him "Okay, maybe a little"

"That's not fair," I frown but then a small smile forms on my face. Realizing that if I was going, I would be able to visit my best friends. "But isn't this Sway LA thing exactly the same as the Hype House in which the girls are in?"

"True, but this one is better." Jaden nodded. "Come on get ready we are leaving in an hour."

"WAIT, WHAT!?" I jump off my bed. "Couldn't you have woken me up earlier?"

"No, I like seeing you panic."

"I hate you." I hit him with the pillow again.

"OUCHHH!" He groans holding his head as I keep hitting him, laughing filling the room. 

Comatose (Sway House and Hype House *Tik Tok Boys Love Story*)Where stories live. Discover now