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It was night again by the time the reached another town along this road, they slowed down and Evin hopped off taking his bow out giving the horse to Mike as they went more into town. He looked around at the empty buildings while Mike walked the horses behind him, he felt very tall being up the horse, Evin stopped so Mike pulled back on the horses stopping them as someone came out from the alley way to the left. Evin went back and got up on the horse ''Aren't we gonna help him?'' Evin looked at the guy holding his stomach ''He's not hurt.'' he said and turned the horse around seeing more people ''Alleyway.'' Evin stated and they turned riding their horses into the alley, they jumped over some barbed wire laid out and went behind the building, Evin jumped off his horse not having time to stop as the horse triggered a land mine that had been placed there, Mike looked away as the horse's leg was blown off, Evin got up and looked at the horse seeing more land mines, he turned hearing them coming down the alleyway.

Mike moved back and Evin hopped up on the horse turning the horse around ''Hang on to me alright?'' Mike nodded and leaned forward hugging him Evin as he made the horse run, they went around the corner basically running over the guy's that were coming for them. They got back on the road and Evin kicked the sides of the horse and whipped the ropes making the horse go faster, Mike glanced back seeing the people casing them. Evin kept the horse going fast down the road before pulling back as a row of cart's came down through an alleyway ''Mike, hand on tight.'' he said and turned the horse, Mike grabbed him tightly, Evin saw them getting closer and turned the horse around running fast before getting him to jump over the cart's and kept him running into the town seeing this was just the small entrance of a city. 

Evin looked around as the horse ran down the road, he saw a building before stopping the horse and got off with Mike, Evin made sure Mike went into the building before hitting the horse making it run off, he was sad about the horses watching it run down the road without them and wondered if that was a good decision, he went into the building with Mike and grabbed his hand bringing him upstairs, he looked back hearing them come into the building and pulled Mike to the other stairs bringing up up, he looked down the hall as they got further into the third floor hearing people and pushed Mike into one of the room's shutting the door before looking around and went to one of the windows. He opened it while Mike took his pistol out aiming at the door ''Ah, come on.'' Evin groaned pulling on the window ledge ''Fuck.'' he hissed seeing the window was stuck, he took a closer look at the ledge seeing nails.

He turned hearing something and Mike turned as well having his gun ready and a person emerged from the darkness, Evin took his pistol out as well and aimed at the woman who came out ''Whoa, easy, I'm a friendly.'' she said looking at him ''They don't treat woman to well.'' Evin looked over to the door before grabbing Mike and brought him over to the woman pushing her into the room having the gun to her head, Mike turned shutting the door in case they came in and faced the door, Evin looked around and was shocked seeing three little kids ''They also don't like children.'' Evin looked at the room they were in, the window's were nailed shut, and there were two mattresses and Evin lowered his gun and looked at her ''Are you here against your will?'' the woman turned and looked to Evin while Mike turned looking at her and saw the kids.

''Yes.. But, we can't leave, this is safer then being outside... With those creatures.'' she explained ''But, I have been in this city long enough to know my way around so you and him can get out.'' Mike looked to Evin who was staring at her ''I know you can't trust me very much, so listen to me when I say that I want every man in this city town thing, to burn alive.'' Evin's eye's widened a bit and nodded understanding then looked to Mike who looked at bit sad and scared ''What if I got rid of them for you, make the street's safe for you and other's.'' the woman scoffed a bit ''You're gonna kill a hundred men?'' Evin thought back to before he met with Andrew and Mike ''Yes.'' Mike looked at him more scared ''That's suicide.'' Evin looked to him before going to him and crouched down ''It's gonna take a lot more then just a couple guy's to kill me, you know that.'' Mike still looked at him scared and worried.

Evin sighed holding his hands ''I'll be careful, I swear.'' Mike looked him, his expression not changing ''Hey, you know me..'' Mike nodded and looked down ''You just gotta stay here alright, and stay safe.'' Mike looked at him ''I could help you though?'' Evin looked at him worried and shook his head ''I'm not risking it.'' Mike bit his lip ''Please don't.'' the woman walked over looking at the two, Evin looked up at her then at Mike ''If they leave there won't be any way for us to defend ourselves.'' Evin stood up and Mike hugged him ''We're trying to get to the coast.'' Evin explained looking at her. She nodded ''That's far outside the city but, close enough that you'll be able to see it when you leave the city. 

Fight like hellOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora