2. Playdate With New Friends

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All of the rules at the top apply wether he is little or not, so when he breaks a rule the punishments are mostly theb same, with just a few changes


Deku was sitting in the living room watching tv with his daddies when Kirishima got a call. He left and Katsuki stayed and played with Deku so he wouldn't get upset. A few minutes later Kiri came back in and said something to Katsuki
"Hey baby we have to do something important today so can you be a good boy and stay here for us?" Katsuki said picking the boy up
He started crying and hugged Katsuki tightly as he cried into his shirt
"I don't wan Daddy and Dada to leave me!" He cried
"Oh Babyboy it's okay, we'll only be gone a few hours" Katsuki said rubbing his back
"And you'll get to spend time with all your friends!" Kiri added with mock excitement
Deku nodded but still held onto him his tears slowly stopping
"Come on Baby let's get ready" Katsuki said, gently bouncing him on his hip while he walked into the bedroom with Kirishima
"Can you grab his clothes and I'll change his pull-up?" Katsuki said laying him down on the changing mat
Kiri nodded and grabbed a light purple and white striped shirt and a pair of black overalls. He tossed them to Katsuki along with Dekus bag of toys and stuff which he set beside him, as he was in the middle of changing Deku, and started getting ready himself

A few minutes later they were all finished getting ready and the boys had already told everyone they needed everyone to help watch him. They all agreed and we're glad to help the adorable boy and his caregivers out. The boys walked downstairs with Kirishima holding Deku who was snuggled into his chest. They found Mina, Denki, Shinso (he replaced Mineta in this story because Mineta is a fucking bitch and he's Kaminaris boyfriend), Uraraka, Tsuyu, Jiro, and Momo.
"Hey guys, thanks again for watching him!" Kiri said as he set Deku down on the couch next to Kaminari, who was sitting in Shinsos lap
"No problem! We love watching him!" Momo replied happily
"Okay so you guys remember the rules right? If he acts out just make him sit in the corner for 10 minutes, then come over and tell you what he did wrong. That usually works-" Katsuki was interrupted by a text taking out his phone
"Shoot, Kiri we have to get goin" Katsuki exclaimed rushing over to where the boys were
"Bye Bye Babyboy, be good for your friends alright? Well be back in a few hours, make sure you have your nap" Kiri said kissing his forehead after receiving a sad nod as an answer
"Bye Baby, be good for us" Katsuki said giving him a kiss on the forehead too
Deku waves sadly to them as they leave and once they're gone he put his knees to his chest and his head in his knees. He started silently crying and nobody really knew what to do.
"Hey Deku what's wrong honey?" Mina said putting a hand on his shoulder
"Daddies" he whimpered
"Oh hon they'll be back later!" Uraraka said walking over
"Mm-mm! No they won't!" He said quietly lifting his tear streaked face out of his knees
He has bad anxiety and gets really nervous when his Daddies are gone
(A/N so in this story a lot of them are littles because yeah it's adorable and we need Deku to have tons of friends, so Deku is the only known little and the rest only told the other littles because the Caregivers knew about them and they didn't want to be public to everyone but they wanted them to have little friends. I'm sorry if that confuses you)
"Hey bud if you can listen and follow us we'll tel you a super cool secret!" Mina said winking towards the rest of them
Deku nodded and stopped crying, little sniffles and hiccups escaping every so often
"Our dorm?" Shinso said standing up and grabbing Kaminaris hand
They all nodded and stood up walking to Shinso and Kaminaris shared dorm room
Mina was holding Dekus hand, Uraraka with Tsuyu, and Momo and Jiro. They arrived to the dorm and Shinso unlocked it before walking in with the rest of the kids following.
"Okay, Mido we need you to listen and pay attention okay? This is a secret and you can't tell anyone else okay?" Shinso said putting a hand on his shoulder and crouching down to look him in the eyes
He nodded shakily and looked over to the others who were looking seriously at him and he was starting to get scared
"Okay, we all know your a little but..." He started looking towards the group and continuing once he received a nod
"We have a few other littles, a few of our friends are littles too, and we want you to meet them, alright?" Shinso said softly with a soft smile
Dekus face brightened up a bit and he nodded shyly
"Guys come here" Shinso said
Jiro, Kaminari, and Tsuyu walked over smiling
"Jiro, Kami, Tsu, can you please take Mido to my room so you guys can play? I need to talk to your Mommies for a second alright?" Shinso said straightening up a bit
"Okay Daddy/Shin!" The three said in unison still smiling happily
Kaminari grabbed Dekus hand and pulled him to the bedroom. The room was light purple with toys and stuffies spread across the floor and bed
"This is my woom!" Kaminari said excitedly
"Swo how old awe wou?" Kaminari said after they all sat on the bed
"2" He mumbled looking down
"I'm 3!" Kami said happily
"I'm almost thwee!" Jiro said
"I'm 3!" Tsu said
"Who's your cawegivews?" Deku asked looking up at them
"My Mommy is Mwomwo!" Jiro said
"Mine are Ura and Mwina!" Tsu said smiling happily
"Mine is obviously Shinso!" Denki said
"What do wou gwuys wanna do?" Jiro asked everyone
"Dwo you have any stwuffies?" Tsu asked looking at Deku
He smiled and nodded before hopping off the bed and walking to the living room. He found Momo, Shinso, Mina, and Uraraka talking. He walked over to Mina and hugged on her shirt to get her attention. She looked down and smiled at him before crouching down to his level
"What's up honey?" Mina asked sweetly
"Where's mwy bwag?" He asked quietly
"Oh your bag..." Mina said taking a quick look around the room she realized it wasn't there
"Shinso did you get his bag?" Mina said looking to Shinso
"No... did either of you?" He replied looking at the other two
They shook their heads and started to panic a little seeing as they didn't know where the bag containing all the littles comfort items was. Deku was starting to get worried because that bag had his only pacifier and he needed it. He started crying and they freaked out
"It's okay! It's okay! We'll find it I promise! Shinso go to the commons and see if his bag is down there!" Mina instructed up the now crying boy and carrying him to the room with the other littles
Shinso ran out and down to the commons and Mina carried Deku into the bedroom with the other 2 caregivers following close behind.
"What happened Izu!" Denki exclaimed as Mina set him down in front of the 3
"I cwant f-find mwy b-bwag!" He cried
The littles all hugged him and started trying to distract him from his bag. They starting talking (well let's be honest babbling) about other stuff while they waited for Shinso to get back. Deku was now giggling with the others when Shinso came back. He walked into the room quietly with a backpack slung over his shoulder. Mina was the first to notice him and sighed of relief that he'd found the bag
"We left it down there, it was on the couch and all his stuff is still there" Shinso whispered to her
She nodded and took it from him before walking over and tapping Dekus shoulder. He looked over to her and smiled not noticing the bag at all
"Guess what Uncle Shin found!" She said excitedly which Deku giggled at
She held out his bag and his smile widened. He grabbed it and hugged it happy that he got his stuff back. He hugged Mina and hopped off the bed running to Shinso and giving him a big hug too. He ran back over to his friends and smiled at them. They all started babbling again and giggling while showing each other their stuffies.
They played until it was time for their nap, they gave them a snack and the caregivers put them down for a nap. Katsuki and Kiri got back and went to Shinsos dorm, since Mina texted them that they brought him there. Katsuki knocked on the door and it was opened a minute later by Shinso. He smiled softly and let them in. He put a finger to his lips to signal for them to be quiet and walked to the bedroom. He opened the door to reveal all the littles asleep with their pacifiers in their mouths and clutching their stuffies.
"Before you ask yes they are littles and we are their caregivers" He whispered gesturing to Mina, Momo, and Uraraka
The boys nodded and walked over to Deku. Katsuki picked him up and nodded to Kiri to get his stuff. He grabbed his bag and put Dekus stuff away walking to the door
"Thanks again for watching him! I'll call you later!" Kiri whispered waving to them
They waved back and he walked out of the room closing the door quietly behind him. He walked out and saw Katsuki halfway down the hallway already. He jogged up to him and smiled. Deku stirred a bit in his sleep before waking up and rubbing his eyes sleepily.
"Hey baby" Kiri said softly
"Hi Dada" He mumbled yawning
"Did you have fun with your friends today?" He asked smiling
"Mhm" He mumbled his reply into Katsukis shoulder
They got back to their dorm and Kiri unlocked the door. They walked in and Katsuki sat on the couch with Deku in his lap cradling him. Kiri walked over and ruffled his hair
"Can you make him a bottle? I think he's still pretty tired" Katsuki asked softly
Kiri nodded and walked to the kitchen. He heated up a bottle and brought it back to them. Katsuki took it and thanked him quietly before holding up the bottle to Deku. He accepted it and started suckling softly his eyes drooping.
He finished it after a few minutes already half asleep. He made grabby hand for Kiri when he stood, and he chuckled and picked him up, holding him in his hip and he carried him into the bedroom. He laid him down on the bed and handed him his Pacifier and stuffy. He was about to leave to get Katsuki but Deku grabbed his sleeve to stop him.
"Dada stay" he mumbled sleepily
"I'll be right back I'm going to get Daddy okay Babyboy?" Kiri said softly crouching down and ruffling his hair
Deku nodded and watched him leave. He got Katsuki and walked back in to see Deku almost asleep hugging his stuffy. The boys laid next to him and he soon fell asleep in their arms. They fell asleep next to him in a comfortable silence.


Little! Deku x Bakugo x Kirishima (Temporary Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now