Avni ( mind) everyone misses you Neil.. please come back today... Manik Bhai will be very happy if you could come...

She really wanted Neil to be here when his brother is getting married.. Avni wiping her tears walks to Manik and stood next to Bebe..

Soon haldi function started.. Bebe being eldest applied haldi first on Manik... like this everyone came and dipped their hand in haldi bowl and applied on Manik.. lastly fab 4 and avni came to Manik and smirked.. seeing their smirk Manik didn't failed to understand what will happen next.. before he could stop anyone he was drenched with haldi... he glares at his friends who starts laughing along with Avni.. as Avni's laugh reached to Manik he smiled too.. since Neil left he heard avni laughing her heart out..

While fab 4 and avni was waiting for Manik's burst out but hearing anything they looked at him and saw admiring Avni's laugh...

Manik stood up and tried hugging avni but she stopped as he was drenched in haldi...

Avni : Bhai.. no please.. I'm fine like this..

Manik: baby doll.. let me hug you..

Avni : no Bhai.. not like this.. I won't mind if you hug Nandu like this but not me..

As she completed she ran from there making Manik too run behind her... all the guest and khanna family smiled at them..

Avni was showering up after Manik's haldi..Avni showing up comes out of
washroom while wiping her hair and she was in bathrobe only.. avni then kept towel side and walks to bed.. she picks her phone up and called Neela..

Metha family was attending wedding from Nandini side so they are staying in Murthy's house..

Avni : hello maa..

Neela : hello bacha .. how was Manik haldi?

Avni : Bhai haldi went all.. how about Nandu?

Neela : here everything went good too..

Avni : okay.. I called you to know about there.. like what's happening? Is Nandu with you?

Neela : Nandini is with her mother. Having their moments.. should i ask her to call you later..

Avni : no maa don't.. let aunty and Nandu spend time.. maa I'll meet you there.. bye..

Neela : bye bacha..

Avni ended the call and looks at frame of hers and Neil's wedding.. she picks the frame and traced his face..

Avni : I really hate you Neil.. you made me wait a year for your presence.. I really hate being away from you..

She shoved her tears back as she doesn't cry.. she kept the frame back and got up to get ready..

Avni walks to her closet and took her lehanga out and starts wearing the blouse first.. avni then wore the skirt and moves to her dressing table.. she sat down and starts applying make up on..

Avni finally getting completely ready moves to Manik room to see if he was ready or not..today she had responsibilities of Manik's marriage.. she remembered how Neil called a week before manan marriage function started and told her to take their marriage responsibilities..before avni could ask him about his coming back the call kept hanging due to poor connection..

Avni promised herself to fulfil Neil's words.. avni knocks Manik's room door and heard him come in.. she pushed the door and saw him struggling with sherwin button.. she chuckled and calls his name..

Avni : Bhai..

Manik stops struggling  and looks at door and smiles seeing avni..

Manik : help me..

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