10. Action

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If I was going to do this, I was going to have to be brave about it, right? Or else I would chicken out again. I barged into my bedroom, startling the tall male who was getting in bed. This was going to be troublesome either ways. I went up to him and held his arms. Shit. Now what. He stared at me, doe eyed and confused. The stare went far too long and awkward before I moved in, having to tiptoe a little to get to his lips but ultimately and awkwardly landing the kiss just a little off center. Don't think about it. Don't thi- Minhyun was stiff in my hold but I clearly wasn't ready for his reaction when a sharp force went across my face, sending me toppling onto the bed. I gasped and looked up at Minhyun who had just slapped me, holding onto my stinging cheek. He seemed as stunned as I was.

"W-w-what was that f-for?!" he yelped and I blinked furiously. Both our cheeks becoming bright red.

"I-i- shit," I muttered instead, unable to figure out why I did that without first asking his permission.

"Y-y-you thought you c-could just k-kiss me like that?!" He stuttered horribly and seemed genuinely upset by what I just did. Clearly able to see that what I did was wrong, I stood up and tried to calm him down but he wouldn't let me touch him either, hitting my hand away and stepping away from me. Somehow that made me feel worse. "Don't t-touch me!"

"I'm so sorry, Minhyun. I don't know what came over me."

"D-despicable!" He hissed and I felt a sharp sting in my chest as he picked up a pillow and threw it directly at my face. "Get out!"

I grabbed my pillow and looked at him with uncertain eyes.

"I said get out!" he yelled and picked up another pillow. Taking that hint, I rushed out of my own bedroom and shut the door behind me.

STUPID! WHY DID I DO THAT FOR? I yelled to myself internally as I pulled at the pillow. Fffffffuuuuuccccckkkkking hell. I screwed this up so bad, didn't I?

I couldn't sleep.

Guilt just wrecked my system even as I got up and snuck to the bathroom in the morning. I made myself coffee and even though I had no clue if he drank coffee, I made him a cup too and placed it on the dining table. I was really apologetic for having done that without thinking twice. I didn't think myself to be such a rash person and since it was weekend, I didn't even have an excuse to leave the house. I nibbled on my thumb as I sat on the couch, trying to think of a way to rectify my mistake.

My bedroom door opened and he walked out, dressed in one of my oversized sweaters and sweatpants. I gulped and watched as he ignored my presence and headed to the table where the coffee was. He made a tiny grimace and picked it up. I left out a small relieved sigh but he just held it mostly. He didn't drink it or pour it away at least. He made his way to the other couch and stared at me.

"Is this your way of apologising?" he asked in a sharp tone, making me flinch.

"Is it working?" I replied back awkwardly and chewed on my lower lip. His frown seemed to deepen as he put the coffee down.

"No. Explain yourself."

I gulped and my hands became clammy. That's right. I should explain myself since he was even giving me the chance to. I took out my phone in a rush and opened the email, handing it over to him. He made very sure not to make any contact with my skin as he took my phone to read what I had to show him. His expression changed from serious to embarrassed to anger. I could see his grip on my phone tighten as he stood up and lifted it up in his hand, as if he wanted to toss it in my face but couldn't. He breathed out and put my phone down in one swift angry move.

"I can't believe you," He hissed and I gulped again.

"I'm really sorry. I should have asked o-or said something. Please forgive me," I said, unsure why I was suddenly being desperate for him to forgive me.

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