Cato Imagine for Felicia

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A/N: So I had a lot of fun writing this, which is probably why it's so long since I got caught up in the story too much. I changed some things, so some stuff that I wrote is going to be different from the actual story, but thanks for requesting this and sorry that it's so long and took so long to finish.

I stood inside the glass tube, seeing my prep team staring back at me. It looked like they were holding back tears and I knew that it probably looked like I was holding back tears too. I had only known them for the short time that I was here and I had already grown attached to them and knew that I would probably never see them again. This was the thing I had told myself not to do on the train. Get too attached to anyone, because I knew that I would just have to leave them soon. Maybe even forever.

I waved at them and briefly saw them wave back before the tube rose above the ground and stopped. I looked around the arena and took in my surroundings. The tributes were standing on metal pedestals in a circle around the Cornucopia. The Cornucopia had lots of useful items like backpacks, weapons, and food scattered around it. The most important items were closer to the Cornucopia while the least important items were closer to the tributes. I was part of the Careers, since I was from District 2 with Cato, so I would probably be able to get as many things as I needed.

The sound indicating the start of the games rang out and I ran to the Cornucopia. Not a lot of people tried to stop me, probably because they didn't want to risk dying this early in the games by trying to kill a career. When I reached the Cornucopia, I grabbed a black backpack and looked around the Cornucopia for anything else that I might need. I saw a box of knives close to the Cornucopia and ran for them. When I reached the box, I opened it and started to put the knives into the knife loops in my belt. Clove, my best friend, had taught me how to throw knives a little while before the games, so I was pretty good at it.

I felt someone tap my shoulder and turned around, taking a knife out of my belt. I saw that it was just Cato and sighed, putting my knife back into my belt. "You really should quit doing that. Especially now that we're in the games. You're going to get yourself killed or something. Not like I care, though."

He laughed and ruffled my hair playfully. "Sure you don't."

"Don't act like you wouldn't care."

"I don't think I would, actually."

"You're such a bad liar, I actually almost feel bad for you."

"I don't even know why you're collecting all those weapons when you don't even know how to use them."

"I know how to use them. Clove taught me how to throw knives before the games."

"Then you have no excuse as to why you're still so bad."

"I'm not that bad."

"Sure...Anyways, I want to introduce you to the Careers.


We walked over to the other side of the cornucopia where the other Careers were still collecting supplies and arranging them near the center of the cornucopia. All of the other tributes were gone by now, so it was probably pretty safe. "This is Felicia, she's from District 2."

A girl with blonde hair looked up from arranging the supplies. "I know. I saw your training score. You're pretty good."

"Told you," I said, nudging Cato playfully. I turned back to Glimmer. "Thanks. You're pretty good too."

He smiled and nudged me back, wrapping an arm around me.

Glimmer looked at us suspiciously before shrugging. "I'm Glimmer." She pointed to a girl with dark brown hair that was put up into a ponytail. "That's Clove." She then pointed to a boy with light brown hair. "And that's Marvel."

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