Season 1 MattxReader (@starcrossedshipper13)

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Matt Tai Sora Izzy Mimi Tk And Kari Were All Going On A Family Field Trip with their parents To A Hot Spring Nearby As They Brought Meiko And Y/N along As a +2 Guest So Once They Arrived
Tai And Other Made Meiko Felt Welcome by joking with each other even chatting too however   Y/N L/N can hear everything but also Felt So
Uncomfortable even Jealous too at the same time because she never had anyone to talk to Before or any friends before till now however she does have a crush on Matt but wasn't sure
On how to tell him tho and before she could think anymore further in her mind
Matt came and interrupted her as he  noticed this as well and see her spacing out intently too but walked up to her and told y/n l/n "Meiko is nothing to me but is more like a sister to me" as he Reassured her this and to prove it that he kissed Y/N L/N On the lips
As to prove to her that he has a crush on her back but waited for her response and instead she kissed back as it leads to a heated make out session as he shoved his tongue and explored every part of her caverns here and he didn't stop there as he open the door to the bedroom successfully that he went in and kicked the door slam shut and locked it as you heard the locked sound was heard as he stripped you off of your clothes than his own Afterwards than he laid you down on the bed gently than he waited for you
To give him a consent to do it
But by the time you told him yes that was when he couldn't hold himself back anymore as he slammed himself Inside of you here as he started to thrust at a steady Pace here and when he heard you moan that was when
He paused and kissed your neck
Making A Hickey all around the left side of your neck here than
Continue To thrust Inside of you
And once he felt your walls tightened that was when you both came as he cummed inside the condom but throw it away in the trash can Afterwards as
You Came On His Chest Here
After That He whispered Seductively To You By Saying
"I Love You Y/N L/N That I Wouldn't Replace You For Anyone Else Here" And With That He Ended it With A Gentle Kiss On Your Lips As A Reassurance here but what came out of his mouth next will surprise you "Y/N L/N WILL YOU BE MY GIRLFRIEND"  while screaming her name while Moaning it at the same time
And with that you were crying happily and pulled him down
And kiss him as your way of telling him yes than spoke Afterwards "of course I would love to have you as my boyfriend Matt" as you told him this however you told him a little secret in the end by saying "I have a crush on you"  as you whispered to him quietly to hear but to your surprise he told you the same thing back by saying "I have a crush on you too y/n" as he whispered to you back as the 8 minutes in heaven was over he just wrapped his arms around you
As The Rest Of The friends Acted Like Nothing Happened Here
Trying To act innocent but does the question is does the parents know about it? Let's Hope Not 
And beside you and Matt were
Gonna be 13 soon anyway so
It's fine after all your
B/F/F/N has something to tease you about in the future along even if you guys did dated it will feel like more of a playdate right now but soon it'll feel like a real date soon Here someday Hehe watch Out You Guys There will
Be a Very Stubborn couple in the future soon once they are a bit more older that is
And once they get their part of "payback" at you guys than that is when you and the rest of the digi destined and their families will play freeze tags with one and another but of course there is always a possibility of duck duck goose too as well here😏

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