~ Chapter 20 ~

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I was staring at my reflection in the mirror

I was in my pretty red dress, my hair and makeup was done. I looked pretty - I looked nice. So then why am I staring at the mirror so intently?

The feign happiness that sets on my face, broke my own heart. It wasn't the expression necessarily. It was more of the fact that I knew I was about to greet over a hundred people and none of them would notice. I feel as if I'm on display and invisible at the same time. I'm seen by everyone but truly seen by no one. 

Is it selfish of me to want someone to ask me if I'm okay?

Is it juvenile to want to be swept off my feet and given a fairytale?

I shouldn't feel like this. I have the ideal life. I've never had to worry about money or food. I beat myself up about that all the time. Sometimes Olivia's words would get to me. Maybe I am self-centered, inconsiderate even. Being born with the dream and only wanting to get out of it. 

I shake my head, today, I couldn't have any desires for myself. It would only make faking this whole thing harder. I grab my handbag and walk down the stairs. 

Nod and smile would be my go-to move this evening


"Miss Beckette, Miss Beckette!" A report shouts as I walk into the venue. I smile and wave at the man, letting him at least know I saw him. 

My father and his mistress rode separately so they could make their grand entrance seconds after mine. I was to go straight to the head table and keep my mouth shut. As my father explained to me earlier today. 

There was a dinner rehearsal late last night. It was extremely extensive and only between us and the staff. My father made me skip school so my first appearance today would be here, at this dinner. Not that I'm upset about that. I had some people at school to avoid. 

I sat at my table in front of the guest with a smile. I prayed my father would show up quickly so I wouldn't look so awkward anymore. 

"Can we have all guests be seated as the couple makes their entrance?" A voice over the intercom comes in. Everybody that was socializing or drinking at the bar quickly shifted to their assigned seats and stared at the double doors. 

Almost as if on beat, the doors bust open. The couple in question standing arm in arm. A classic melody plays and they smile while making their way down the aisle. I heard a sea of 'aws' and 'They're so cutes', as I could only bite my cheek. No one knew that they argued like cats and dogs when alone. They weren't even married yet.

From what I could gather of the argument last night, the same female reporter from the conference has come to put a little hole in their honeymoon phase. I hadn't noticed at the conference, but I recalled after the argument. The reporter was the same woman that stood next to my father in our kitchen only weeks ago. Carol seems to think they've been sleeping together. 

I'd say she's smart to assume so

My father decided to settle on a red hearted suit, and Carol went with a long loose fitted red gown. 

"Thank you, close friends and trusted business partners." My father makes his statement at the podium. His mistress coming to sit next to me. She doesn't look at me and I don't look at her. 

"Today we've come together to celebrate a new chapter in my life. After one love ends, another one begins," He turns his head to smile over at his soon-to-be wife. "I now have two loves."

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