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As his teeth dug deeper I felt a rush of wind. I felt more blood rush down my arm. That's when I realized the pain in my arm had subsided. As I lifted my head up I saw the zombie was slumped over my arm. I heard the sound of footsteps rushing my way. I was scared I knew I would be turned away from going to the city of Busan. I began to sit up pushing the zombie off of me. As soon as he was off I scooted away from the wretched creature. The first thing I did was begin to assess my arm. 

As I looked for my wound I expected to see blood on it but there wasn't even the slightest trace of blood. Which was weird I know he bit me, I felt his teeth puncture my wrist. I rubbed my wrist in a circular motion trying to bring comfort to myself. 

I was in complete shock. A man appeared in front of me but I couldn't make out what he was saying. Finally, my eardrums came back to their senses. "Ma'am, are you okay?" he said with a look of concern. I just stared at him, I was overcome with joy but also scared for the man. In seconds I would be affected and he would be my first victim. So, I just nodded my head. Usually, the virus took seconds to kick in so I couldn't understand why I hadn't become a flesh-eating monster yet.

The guy kneeled on the ground and began to assess my arms to check for bite marks. "Can you take the tape off? ma'am, I need to make sure you're not infected" He said in a caring tone. I nodded my head again and began to unravel the tape off. As I got closer and closer to my skin my anxiety got higher.    

The tape reached the end and I pulled off the long bloodied up tape and saw no mark. I twisted my hand around to see if I was missing something, but I wasn't. "Okay, your good." He said standing up offering his hand out to me. I grabbed it hesitantly. I felt a wave of relief when I was able to stand up again. Feeling energized I started to walk with the man over to the helicopter which was now resting on the ground. I lifted my self up and into the helicopter when I was greeted by 3 men. One of which held a massive gun in his hand.

I opened my mouth to speak but what could I say in this situation. Nothing. So, I shut my mouth. That's when I heard a man's voice. "Your lucky we were able to find you. We don't find many survivors nowadays." I tried to locate the voice when I realized it was the pilot that was speaking. "I don't understand" I whispered to myself still stuck on the fact that the bite had disappeared. "Huh?" one of the men said to me. I just shook my head in response to scared to speak. As the helicopter started to take off, I began to look out to see what had become of the world. 

What I saw left me in complete shock. The world was barren nothing was living anymore. I could feel tears fall down my face. I finally realized I was safe, but I didn't have any family with me. Everyone I've ever known was dead, which made this that much more complicated. I started to think back to when I was a child. How my brothers and I would chase each other around the house, while our mom yelled at us to slow down. More tears began to stream down my face as I realized these weren't happy memories. They were nightmares.

After about 30 minutes I saw the walls of Busan in the corner of my eye. My jaw dropped the wall was huge. It had to be at least 30 feet tall. There was no way anyone was getting in or out. "Welcome to Busan." The pilot said to me. "Youll be taken to quarantine where you will be cleaned and given new clothes. After that, you will be given a room number and enrolled in school as well. In Busan, we also have a curfew for teens. I'm assuming you're a teen so the curfew is at 11:00 pm if you need anything else the doctors will answer any questions you have." The pilot clarified. The helicopter landed with a thud shaking the copter back and forth. When it was stable people rushed over to door throwing it open. 

I was scared to take my first steps into Busan. This was a journey I had to face on my own. No one would be able to accompany me. I wouldn't have my family or a friend for support. I was all alone and this was my time to prove how strong I could be.

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