The call slip

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She had decided to spend the night at Logan's house and they went to school together the next morning.

she had forgotten clothes but luckily she had some left over from the last time she spent the night. they even had a drawer with all the clothes she could forget here. She decided to go with some ripped black jeans and logan's drug rug.

Lyle had dropped out to get his GED. so they left him sleeping and had gotten into his truck, stopping by the store to grab some redbulls. Luke had walked her to her first. Which just happened to be with mr.S. he stood outside the door like normal greeting his students as they walked in, all of them looking too tired to care. But when Mr.s caught the sight of them together he had seemed to tense up and his smile had turned into a soft face of dissapointment.

"good morning madii" he said. side stepping a little closer to her and glaring at luke as he hugged her goodbye.

"Morning. have a good weekend?" she asked, caussually sipping her large redbull.

"Yes i did. and you?" his body was completely turned to her and he had stopped greeting the other students as they walked in. she was greatful for his full attention. but the air was tense.

"Yea i had a great weekend. Spent the night at Logan's last night, which was fun." she looked into his eyes to gauge his reaction. testing to see how if he would be jealous of her with another boy.

"oh? well.. uh... yea that's great." it was silent for a little and she swore she could hear the gears turning in his head. "so is luke like your uh.. boyfriend?" she burst into a fit of laughter. his expression softening from seeing her smile.

"no, no were just good friends."

"oh well that's good." she raised her eyebrow at him. "well not good because, uh, well you know just uh," she cut him off by lightly pacing his shoulder and laughing.

"chill i know what you meant." she strolled caussually into the classroom. leaving him speechless in the empty hallway.


this girl was going to kill him. 'thats good'?? what was he thinking saying that. he shoudnt have even asked her that. but he couldn't help but be jelous of her friend. he didnt even know his name but they always seemed to be together before and after school.

his mind raced as he started class. letting the announcements play through and noticing that madii didn't say the pledge. she only stood, confidently drinking her redbull. his nerves had calmed once he got into the rythym of teaching. today he was working up at the board and the class would take notes. He wore his favorite dark blue shirt that was a little too tight and would expose his midriff whever he lifted his arm. he hoped to catch madii's attention and try to see if she felt the same way he did.

"alrighty then does anybody know the difference between revolution and rotation?" the girls at the front raised their hands first. always eager to get his attention. He looked at madii hopefully but knowing it was in vain as she didn't participate much in class. she would always stay in the back and keep quiet. She wasn't as eager for attention as the rest of the attention deprived rich students were.

he called on a girl named chloe. she blushed when he said her name and her friends teased her subtly for it.

"yea, rotation is the object itself spinning and revolution," she licked her lips and looked him in the eyes. "is circling around an object. it just cant resist the strong gravitational pull." she was obviously trying to flirt, horribly.

he caught madii roll her eyes and smirk at her response. a smile spread across his features as he realized he could mess with her a little.

"yes you're right. the object itself is being pulled by her gravitation force" he lowered his voice at the end. he had made the girl practically melt in her seat and he saw madii blush hard. he resisted the earge to wink at her.

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