Rainy Weekend

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The purple and pink clouds from the night before had grown dark and stormy as the sun went down. Madii awoke to the sound of hard rain on her window. No sunshine to drip through her white drapes.

She checked her phone as the coffee pot bubbled behind her. A text from Mr.S was the only notification.

From Mr.S🖤
feeling better this morning?

She pondered weather he meant feeling better from being sick or if the acid has worn off yet.

To Mr.S🖤
much better yea

The morning dragged on from there. Luckily enough her sisters always go to their friends house on the weekends and her dad was probably off at a new job site. He had stopped telling her things recently. How he felt, where he went, the things he did. Madii didn't mind all that much but she missed being close with her father. She finished the first cup of coffee after cleaning and the second after watching rick and morty on the television.

She hadn't received a text from her teacher after letting him know she was okay. She couldn't help but feeling disappointed. This crush of hers has really gotten in the way. There wasn't a day that went by without her causally wondering where he was or what he was doing. Everytime she was near him her heart would flutter and her hands would nervously play with whatever she was holding. While she had many friends she was lonely. Spending most of her time in an empty house lost in thought.

She gave up being bored and called her friend Logan. She has known him for about 2 years now. They were very close and she knew he was always there for her. He lived with their other friend Lyle. He moved in there after his parents kicked him out about a year ago. The three were always spending time together at their house.

"Yo! come pick me up. im bored as fuck." she heard his laughter from the other side of the phone.

"ight on my way"

a smirk spread across her features and she leaped into the bathroom to get ready.

The sound of her friends noisy truck had her running out the door. After quickly grabbing her container of weed, her wallet and keys she jumped into his truck. Luke laughed at her struggle to climb into the large truck and received a playful glare from his best friend.

"You wanna stop at the store and grab some redbull? this bud will knock your lungs out." she giggled and he pulled into the walmart parking lot.

"oooh" Luke said as he got distracted by the candy aisle.

"ooh yea go grab some munchies, ill meet you by the self checkout."

he ran off like an excited child and madii giggled at him as she watched him run away. she had always appreciated him. they have been through everything together and he was pretty much her only friend. she knew she could trust him with everything.

after grabbing a couple redbulls she turned to leave and bumped into a tall man.

"op, sorry" she said nervously looking at her feet.

"no need to apologize, you're perfectly fine, sweety" his deep voice sent a shudder down her spine that she was all too familiar with. She couldn't help but blush from the endearing nickname. but he called most of his female students that. she looked up to see his handsome smile and kind eyes. her palms started to sweat and she stuck her hands in her pockets to try and look more casual. not like her heart was racing a million miles a minute.

"well well, mr.s. what a surprise. thought you'd spend your weekends grading the last test we took." She giggled as she had made him flustered.

"haven't actually gotten around to that yet." he shifted side to side on his feet and a blush was on his cheeks. madii felt her cheeks darken at the adorable sight in front of her.

"It's been two weeks." they laughed together at his unconventional teaching ways. she noticed he had ice cream and vodka in his basket. probably from the liquor store next door. she chose not to address it though.

"Yea, well its good to see your doing better. had me a little worried there." he looked at her with a soften she couldnt describe.

"yea im all goo-" luke had ran up behind her, cutting her off. she noticed how mr.s had tensed when he walked up. his smile dropped and he stood taller, more teacher like. luke had known she had a crush on a teacher. she just hasn't told him which one.

"Where'd you go? i waited forever over there." he glared at mr.s and they seemed to have a stare down. "busy?"

"oh sorry yea. this is uh my astronomy teacher, Mr.S" the tension in the air had made her uncomfortable.

"nice to meet you."  mr.s stuck out his hand only to cause luke to glare at him harder.

"yea pleasure." luke had pulled her in closer by the waist. "come on madii lets go. i don't want the yum yums to go to waste." she laughed and luke grabbed her hand pulling her with him.

"yea, well it was nice seeing ya teach. uhm see you on monday." she had flashed him a smile before luke dragged her off. "uhm what was that about?" she said once they got out of esr range of her sexy teacher.

wait sexy no. he wasn't sexy. he was just a regular teacher. she tried to reassure herself.

luke seemed to untense as they checked out.

"sorry, i just didnt like the way he looked at you." normally she'd make fun of him for being overprotective but he got her excited to think that her teacher was looking at her in any way.

"how so?"

"i don't know. like he was just... hungry"

she laughed it off but couldn't help the rasing of her heart.

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