Butterfly affection Ageha x male!reader

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A/n: yep, at this point it shouldn't suprise anyone that I like monster girls, in this (y/n) is a insect hybrid like Ageha except his left eye is deformed while the right one is fine



(Y/n)'s p.o.v. - in the mall

"Mommy look a monster!" pointing in my direction a small brat around 6 says as his mother stares in disgust and whispered something to him before leaving with the little shit , I silently gathered the groceries and went to the checkout Wich was surprisingly empty of customers , as I started placing things from the bag on the moving line with the help of my appendages the employee seems recognise me "hey , aren't you that insect hybrid that got the first legal citizenship?" I nodded pulling out my wallet "how does it feel having two pairs of arms?" employee asked checking my groceries as I shrugged "hard to describe since I always had them but it's like having another person to help out" the employee nodded interested "that'll be $64.90 sir" I gave them the money and left the mall with the groceries in my left appendage

As a kid I was always bullied for my appearance, saying things like "freak!", "Monster!". Mom and dad told me they were sorry for me, but I don't mind it, why would I? I love my existence and anyone who says otherwise can go fuck themselves. As the years passed by I eventually graduated high school and months later i got a job at zoo for some reason... Other animals weren't really hostile like they should be to normal humans , lions loved head pats and rhinos enjoyed my company, it was one of my unique abilities that helped me get this job. My manager Karen is one of the small group of people that actually doesn't see me as a freak, wish I could say the same about my co-workers.

"And here we are" I said quietly unlocking the door to my house but suddenly I see something illuminated by the street light at the corner of my eye

When I saw the creature I was suddenly overflown with several emotions, suprise,worry, happiness and responsibility , I slowly approached it and knelt down , it doesn't show any signs of hostility or emotion towards my actions "hey there little fe...

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When I saw the creature I was suddenly overflown with several emotions, suprise,worry, happiness and responsibility , I slowly approached it and knelt down , it doesn't show any signs of hostility or emotion towards my actions "hey there little fella!" I smiled warmly picking it up feeling it's tentacles wrap around my insect like arm as I cradle it , I took it in the house with me and placed it on the couch on its belly as it stared at me with it's eye "are you hungry? I'll whip up something for you" *enters kitchen* seeing it's body structure being familiar to mine as a kid I should start with something light and nutritious like a... *Looks around the kitchen before my gaze falls on a banana*  right! That should be good!

I peeled it and cut it in pieces before placing it on a  plate , as I came back in the living room I placed it near my little guest "eat up, you could use the strength" I patted it's head before leaving to unpack the groceries.

Timeskip --->

After food I cleaned it from all the dirt it collected after crawling around for who knows how long

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