Oneshots I've never finished

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(A/n): hey people, I'm still working on that oneshot so I'm putting this here for now knowing I'll never finish these.

[miss kobayashi's dragon maid x elder dragon male reader]

A/n: this isn't a love story , it's more like a father and daughter bonding + I love dragon maid , just finished watching it and wow fucking awesome

" " = Thoughts
' ' = dialogue
* * = Actions

(Y/n)'s p.o.v.

'oh no, did I get lost again?' I sighed flying and looking around in my dragon form , before entering another Portal I suddenly sensed a familiar aura 'no way... It's...' not thinking more I started flying to the Aura , I landed on top of a weird looking castle 'what is all this?... *Noitices human's walking on the street* oh , human's right' I transformed into a human disguise looking like one of them except the horns on my head

Choose whatever horns you like :

I looked at my clothes seeing (clothes you like) 'hmm, that's acceptable' I found the staircase and walked down seeing many doors 'now, where could she be?' I sniffied each door until... *Sniff sniff* 'finally! That's the one' I gently knocked 'coming!' I heard a familiar voice say as the doors open 'good mor-... Father...?' tohru's face went from happy to shocked 'hey there, my little lizard' tohru hugged me tightly as I returned it 'come in! Come in!' tohru invited me happily inside Wich I gladly did 'wow, it's really nice here, you have quite the taste in decorations' I sat down on a red sofa as tohru heated up the water for tea 'actually this is miss Kobayashi's apartment' I nodded thinking about this "miss Kobayashi" 'and who's miss Kobayashi?' I asked as the sound of doors were heard 'im home' a female with red hair and bored expression came into my view as she stopped and stared at me for a minute before noiticing my horns , 'you're one of tohru's friends right?' I stood up towering over her and extending my hand ' why yes, I'm (y/n) father of dragons' her eyebrows rose a little 'father? You don't look- right, dragons' suddenly tohru jumped at Kobayashi hugging her 'miss Kobayashi ahh I'm happy to see you back!' tohru said happily as Kobayashi tried to escape her deathly grip 't-tohru can't b-breath' I coughed Making tohru blush and separate from Kobayashi as she gives me the 'thanks' kind of look 'tohru , I wanted to ask, are there any more dragons? I asked and before tohru answers the front doors once again opens and small footsteps were heard 'im back from school' my eyes widened as I saw my little kanna , she stopped in her tracks after seeing me 'h-hey kanna' I smiled kindly but she looks at me angry before entering a room and closing the doors , I sighed sitting on the sofa with my head burrier in my hands 'father, *sits beside you* don't be sad, I'm gonna be sad too *frowns sadly*'

[Fallout 4 male!reader x Life Is Strange]

(a/n): a weird crossover but hey , who wouldn't want to walk around Arcadia bay in a power armor suit?

I don't own fallout 4 but Bethesda

I also don't own life is strange

I only own the story and you

So let's start :D


(Y/n)'s p.o.v. : location: Commonwealth Sanctuary

'oof, finally it's done' wiping the sweat off my forehead I looked at the huge teleporter that's supposed to help me get inside institute 'well, looks like everything's ready' Sturges started to type something into the console activating the machine as I stepped up on the platform while Sturges activated it 'alright get ready!' the machine started to charge but suddenly out of nowhere synths appeared in a flash and started to fire with they're weapons at the machine demaging it but thanks to my T-60 power armor I'm 100% safe from the pain and shots but I wouldn't say the same about the teleporter 'shit! GET OFF THE PLATFORM QU-'


No one's p.o.v. location: Arcadia bay Oregon (Monday)

Welcome to the hellhole Arcadia bay where girls dissapears , bullies live , danger behind every corner and a paranoid fuck-tard is! It's truly a majestic place with a great school named Blackwell academy where's students Learn to be something in the future but I'm gonna cut the crap and went straight to the point

Max Caulfield And Chloe Price (I love her name just because there's the 'Price') are two best friends that are going on adventures to junkyard to rewind time just because Chloe shot herself

anyway these two are right now sitting on a bench near the lighthouse having a great view of the sea, sunset and Arcadia bay 'woah, that's hella crazy and a lot to take in maxi-pad' Chloe answers after finishing her talk with Max about her powers 'i know , and I must somehow stop the storm, but how...' said worried max looking at her slightly shaking hands remembering the past events of this day 'i don't Know how you Max but I'mma go home before step-douche gonna send a helicopter to fin- *sky cracks and something falls down into the forest near them making a huge BOOM sound* '-or I'll stick for a minute' Max and Chloe then went out to check it out *groaning from afar* alerting the two 'ya hear that? It's probably an alien' max rolled her eyes 'chloe aliens doesn't exi- w-what?' max looked into the medium sized crater seeing a big metal armor moving 'chloe shouldn't we call the-' 'huh? Who are you?! This isn't institute , where am I!' the armored person said getting up and walked up to Chloe and max towering over them easily 'whoa whoa whoa dude, calm down were not here to hurt ya' Chloe backs away a little '*deep inhale and exhale* sorry girls I'm kinda confused, what part of Commonwealth are we in?' girls looks at each other with raised eyebrow ' Commonwealth? We are in Oregon' max answered confused a little

(Y/n)'s p.o.v. : location: somewhere in Oregon

"Looks like I've been teleported into another dimension, it's not hard to believe that since there's green everywhere" *looks at the girls* 'alright so, pleasure to meet you! I'm (y/n) (l/n) and I'm from post-apocalyptic dimension! 'a lot of crazy shit happened today so I won't ask, Chloe Price and that nerd behind me is my best friend Max Caulfield' *looks around* 'can... We go and see the rest of' asking the two they nodded

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