'Rose, calm down just relax.' Liv cooes

'Do you not remember what any unmated werewolf will try to do?'

I rip my shoulder away from him, quickening my pace. I needed to get back home, at least there I can figure something out, here I was exposed. If anyone saw I was sick, they'd immediatly call an ambulance, and how was I to explain my 112 degree temperature.

'Rose hurry up. I can sense another wolf.' She says after a minute.

The scent hits me as well, but to late I'm already pushed into an alley. The man's eyes are black with lust and an evil smirk is dancing on his lips. Damn it, not again, please not agin. He leans foward slightly, and I lean away, trying to keep the distance between us.

He almost kisses me, but is cut off by a girl shouting, "Jared."

The man, Jared, looks up from me to the girl. I can tell they are sibilings by their facial features and hair. She pushes him away from me and stands infront of me, protecting me from her brother. "Go." She growls at him, amd he listens.

She turns around and gives me a sympathetic look that says, she knows. She grabs my hand, pulling me out of the alley.

"I'm really sorry about him, sometimes he just can't control his wolf." I nod offering her a small smile. I was angry, furious even, but I wasn't going to take it out on her. "I'm Ivy by the way."

"Rose." I say.

"Well Rose, how about I take you back to your house and give you some things to make you feel better?" I nod slowly, I really had no other option. There was a reason hardly any female rogues survived, going through heat was pretty much impossible without another women helping.

You could make things to cool yourself down, but thinking wasn't really something you can do in heat.

I feel now you deserve an explantion on what heat is. Heat is basically like a much worse version of a period, which wolves still get. It happens every six months for a couple of days. It gets stronger wants we meet our mates and only your mate can relieve the pain. This way mates are more likely to not be regected. I've even heard some people compare it to child birth.

I would either have to wait this out, or go back to Xavier, amd I think I'd prefer the former.

I unlock my door, still clutching my stomach. She tells me to 'lay down', then enters my kitchen. I know I shouldn't trust this stranger as much as I do, but I do. The way her face is full of sympathy, real sympathy is enough to know she wont hurt me. Plus she saved me, she wouldn't have done that if she was going to kill me.

By the time she returns my body heat has gone up twenty degrees. Shs hands me a cup of cool liquid and sits down next to me. I chug whatever it is. For awhile we sit in silence, before she speaks.

"Where's your mate?" She frowns.

"I left him." In all honesty I wasn't suprised she knew I had a mate, normally you can tell just by a wolf's eyes.

"You rejected him?" She gasps.

I shake my head, "No, uh it's, uh, well it's complicated."

"I have all night." She smiles at me, and I find myself simling back.

So i tell this stranger, iItell her everything that happen during the chase. I tell her how I ran away for my sake. And even about the pain of being seperated from him.

She then im return tells me about her life as a rogue. About her brother and how she lost her parents when she was four.

I don't know when, but sometime during are stories about ourselves, we fall asleep.


Groaning I sit up and clutch my stomach. I ignore the pain and step into the kitchen. Ivy's standing over the sink filling up a glass of water. She sees me and hands me the glass with two pills.

"What are these?" I frown, sniffing them, trying to recognize them.

"Cramping pills. They'll help with the stomach pains you've been having," She smiles at me. "And to get rid of the fever I think we should go swimming in the ocean."

I nod, quickly running upstairs and changing into a swimsuit. I also grab one for Ivy, then walk back downstairs. She smiles broadly at me.

"Thank you." She says grabbing the bathing suit out of my hands. After my first day in this house I went out and got clothes. I couldn't go back to Emma, so I had no other choice.

A few minutes later she returns. I finally take in a good hard look at her features. She has naturally straight brown hair that goes just past her chest. And her body is simaliar to mine except hers is more straight.

I can tell she is also taking in my features. So we just stand there for a moment before heading into the water.

Just like yesterday, the beach has very few people, so there was little chance anyone could feel the heat my body was radiating. And for those of you who believe that it isn't painful, put your hand in a fire then talk to me. I just dont complain about it much because I've dealt with it like eight times.

The cool water does it's job almost instantley soothing. Ivy follows suit, also getting into the cool water. I dunk my head under water letting it ruin my knot free hair. I come up for air and see Ivy staring at me.

"What?" I ask.

"How long are you staying in town?" She asks.

"Probably another week. I don't want him to find me." She gives me what looks like a sympathetic nod. "You know if you want you can come."

"I don't think I could leave my brother. He's stupid and might hurt himself."

"He could always come with." I wasn't a fan of her brothers, but I knew he only went after me because of my heat.

She ponders this for a moment before saying, "I'll think about it."

I smile along with her as we sway with the waves.

'No way, you're not gonna like this.' Liv giggles. She wasn't laughing with me, she was laughing at me.

'I'm not gonna like what?'

'Oh you'll see.' She cuts off our connection.

"Do you smell that?" Ivy asks.

F*ck. "I'm really hoping I not smelling what I think I'm smelling." I murmer.

I look up at the beach to see Xavier and he is not happy. Infact he's furious, I could practically feel the anger radiating off him. Well, shit.

The Alpha's mateWhere stories live. Discover now