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Hello. Hello? Hello...
How are you?
I missed your voice so much.
It's been a long time
I miss our talk
Yeah... right, all the nonsense
Almost always, no meaning but wonderful
And I can't help it

I tried several times to reach you
Longing to hear your voice once again
Wanting to hear promises.
Reminiscing the past
Plans for the future?
Often times, I was unsuccessful
It's either you didn't pick the call
Or someone else did
Quite frustrating, but I have no plans of giving up
I will still try... and will never stop.

And today, choking with loneliness
I dialed your number.
It rang... once... twice
Then I put it off.
The rats are racing in my chest
I told myself, I can't
I paused, I can't help it
I'm wondering once again
Who's with you.
The answer, I don't want to know.

I held the phone once more
Thinking... to dial or not to dial
My fingers decided quicker than my brain
It rang...You picked the call and answered.
Same soft, husky voice.
Soft hello
I'm so happy to hear you again.
Yes... I can hear you now
And I'm happy.
But then again,
I have to Hang up

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