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In the midst of a sentence I felt it!
It hit me, a gut feeling things weren't quite right.
The love I had come to know had changed.
It faded as if slowly dying.
I ask myself what is this, why is it happening to us?
We were perfect, compatible, uniquely in love with our life.
Something was changing.
It had all changed.
Everything was different.
I looked on the floor, and in front of me lays a million little pieces, covered in memories.
My heart ripped from my chest.
It lays on the ground in a million pieces.
My life was shattered.
What do I do with these pieces,
How do I pick them all up?
I dropped to my knees and picked them up, one by one, piece by piece.
I was taking the first step in getting my life back.
I realized the person I still loved with all my heart was symbolized in all the tiny pieces.
I sat down and put them all back together again.
I had the answer.

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