strong in heart

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I woke up to the irritating sound of my phone call. I reached out and grabbed my phone with my sore and tired hand. Leah was calling me. "today's the first day Zack." Leah yelled. I pulled my phone away from my ear. "indeed it is." I answered. My voice was deep, most likely because my throat was incredibly sore from yelling. "School starts in two hours." Leah added. My eyes widened. "oh god I'm almost late!" I yelled. I hung up on Leah. I quickly changed into my clothes. I rushed to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, fixed up my deep dark black hair. I took a good look in the mirror. I had two different colored eyes since I was born. My left eye was brown and the other was completely white. I looked as if someone used white out and covered my eye with it. My lips had scratches all over them, I had cuts all over my chest. I forgot how I got them but I was very scared of someone seeing them. I lost track of time. I rushed down stairs and out the door. I Ran to Leah's house. she was waiting outside her door sitting and looking down at her phone. "that was fast." she said. I was panting in exhaustion. "you need to stop doing that." I replied. Leah giggled. I helped Leah stood on her feet. Leah was untying her hair. her hair was long and wavy, she wore a pink shirt and blue jeans. I always seen Leah look her best. "how do I look?" Leah asked. I had a smile on my face. "you look good, as always." I answered. Leah started to blush. "that's sweet Zack, thank you." Leah replied. Leah wrapped her arm around my shoulder. "don't mention it." I said. I looked at Leah with a bright smile. Leah took out her phone. "have you heard the news?" Leah asked. I shook my head. "they found another teenage girl dead in the woods." Leah said. I was shocked. "they said that the girl went missing for months and then found her dead at the exact spot where she vanished." Leah said. "This world is so fucked up." Leah added. "I hope they find the person who does this and make him pay." I said. "same here." Leah agreed. Leah nodded her head. "yeah it's awful how people can do this." Leah responded. I nodded my head in response. "I guess so." I said. We walked down the street to go to school. We stopped at the front door of the school. "this place always smells like total shit." I said. Leah laughed. "You're right about that." Leah said. she stuttered with laughter. We walked in the school. Teachers greeted us with respect. students smiled at Leah. But they never smile at me. I remember the times when Leah helped everyone go through their problems. She was always so kind to people. I looked at Leah with a smile on my face. "cheer up Zack." Leah responded. "Who cares if nobody spends time with you, just smile like you always do." Leah encouraged me. Leah smiled and I can't help but smile back. I don't know how Leah can always smile. Leah's brown eyes sparkled. "Have a good day Zack." Leah said as she waved and walked towards her locker. "You too Leah." I responded as I headed to my locker. I walked upstairs. I walked to my locker and got the things I needed to go to class. a shadow suddenly covered my locker. I turned around with a fist straight to my face. I only felt the pain for about a few seconds before it stopped. I covered my white eye. "Hello Zack." Jack said with a smirk on his face. I lifted my head to look him in the eyes. "looking at your fucked up eye is worse than looking at you." Jack had said. Jack had an intense look on his face. "And even the thought of you was more painful than that punch." I responded. He shoved his hand onto my face and slammed my face repeatedly into my locker. This kept going on until I blacked out.

I woke up in a bed in a hospital. my head was in immense pain. Leah was sitting in a chair next to my bed in tears. "what's wrong Leah." I asked. Leah started bursting into tears. Leah got up and left the room with her hand covering her face. "you haven't heard." a man said. I turned my head to the man. he was a white coat and a blue shirt. He was probably a doctor. "heard what." I asked. the man took off his glasses. "your parents died." the man said. I looked at him with confusion. "they died in a car crash." the man said. Tears started to run down my cheek. "your lying to me, this is a prank, there not dead!" I yelled. The man shook his head. "I wish I was joking." He said. I got out of my bed. "but there are people who want to take you in." the man said. "but you will be home schooled." the man replied. I clenched my fist and punched the wall leaving my knuckles with a sting. "the people are waiting outside for you." the man said. I looked out the window. Leah was crying on her mothers shoulder. "your new parents are waiting for you." he said. I stood there crying. two people walked in through the door a man and a woman. the man had a black tuxedo with a green shirt underneath. The woman had long blue hair, a purple and black dress, and her eyes were brown. the man took his hands and held my shoulder. he had a huge scar on his eye and the other one was purple. "This is your new family, your father O'Brian and your mother Hailey," the man said. O'Brian looked at me dead in the eyes as if he was staring into my soul. "I know how it feels to lose your parents." O'Brian said. His whole body shook as if a chill was traveling up his spine. "its difficult and sad." O'Brian said. He gave me a big hug. I turned towards Hailey. "we'll take you under our wing just like your parents." Hailey said. They seemed very nice and kind to me. it's probably because my parents died and they're taking it easy on me. "you have a day left in school before we can find you another one.'' O'Brian claimed. "I don't want to accept that my parents are dead." I cried. I was crying into O'Brian's shoulder. " but that's how life works, you start to get use to it then it fucks you over by taking the ones you love." O'Brian responded. I could see Leah through the window crying her eyes out. "We should go now." Hailey said. O'Brian had his arm on my back walking me through the door. Leah ran to me, giving me a tight hug. "I'm going to miss you." Leah spoke with tears running down her face. I nodded my head. "I'll miss you more." I responded. Leah walked to her parents in tears. I looked at O'Brian. "shall we head home." O'Brian asked. I nodded my head.

I headed out the door with my new parents. I didn't want to accept the fact that my parents are dead. I headed into the car with O'Brian and Hailey. "I'm sorry about your parents." Hailey said. I looked at Hailey. I nodded my head. O'Brian started the car and we drove to my new home. It was really close to the school. "you want to know a secret." O'Brian said. I nodded my head. "sure." I said. Hailey looked at me with worry. "Did you know that I'm a detective." O'Brian said with confidence. I was shocked. "What kind of cases do you have?" I asked. O'Brian laughed a little. "Straight to the point, I'm working on the thunder killer case." O'Brian said. the car had suddenly stopped. I opened the car door to walk to my new home. I ran up to the door and ran in the house. The house was bigger than expected. "your new room is over there." Hailey said. I turned my head and ran in my room. I grabbed my phone and texted Leah. she didn't answer. "We have to go for a meeting. We'll be back in 4 hours' '. The door had shut and they left. This life is going to be worse, I just know it. But I have a day to say goodbye. but who knows what Jack will do. he already makes fun of me for having a fucked up eye. I started to cry. I went down stairs into the basement. I couldn't get my parents out of my head. Voices started echoing in my head. They were laughing, mocking me. I turned my head to a desk. I searched the desk and found a gun, and it was loaded. I grabbed the gun. The gun was a six shooter, an old one. I took out my phone and I left Leah a message. "Leah I want you to know that I will miss you and I'll see you on the other side, goodbye Leah, I'll always miss you." I said. I sent Leah the message. I picked up the gun and aimed it at the side of my head. "Goodbye, Leah." I said as my last words. I closed my eyes and pulled the trigger. The death was fast and painless. I felt the cold steam of the bullet traveling through my skull. I dropped to the floor with blood spreading across the cold hard ground. my vision faded to black.

I woke up in a white room. I felt my head and no blood was coming from my head. not even a scratch on my body. A man in a black hood and a cloak appeared, with black smoke traveling out of his cloak. "take my hand." the man said. I looked at him suspiciously but I took his hand anyway. "Who are you?" I asked. the man looked down. "That doesn't matter now," he responded. He waved his hand and the room changed into an ancient temple. The temple was filled with people kneeling down at a strange marking of a face. but the face was a human skull with little balls of fire for eyes, with a hood over it. The Markings were dripping black blood. "What is this place?" I asked. The man looked at me. "this is the temple of life, or it used to be." He said. The man took off his hood. He had a skull for a face with red fire for his eyes. I realized that the people were kneeling for him. "What do you want with me?" I asked. He held his hand on my shoulder. "I want you to do what I couldn't." He replied. I was confused. "But what is it you need me to do?" I asked. He laughed in an echo. "You'll figure it out." He replied. my vision faded to black. I woke up in a room on a bed. I couldn't move. I felt tears dripping from my eyes. But they're not my own. The room sort of looked like Leah's room. I realized that I was in Leah's body. "Leah." I said. Leah stood up immediately. "Who said that?" Leah asked. Leah was freaking out. Leah rushed to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. her left eye was completely white. "Why is my eye white!" Leah yelled. Leah's eyes were brown but the one on her left was just like mine. Leah suddenly fainted.

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