wings of the gods.

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I could hear the distant voice of screaming that echoed in my head. The screaming grew closer. "Hello." I called. the screaming stopped. A loud sensation of ear piercing screams filled my head. I covered my ears to muffle out the noise, but the screams just got louder. I felt something from my ear. I looked at my hands to see the dark crimson blood drip down my fingers. the screams suddenly stopped. I looked up to see a man. his body was covered in white that shimmered off his body. I looked at my hands expecting to see the blood. Instead I saw that my arms became wings with deep black colored feathers. My body took the form of a giant black bird. I looked back at the man. But he wasn't a man anymore. instead I was gazing upon a large white dragon. his eyes were like the eyes of a snake. the dragon had two sets of wings on his back. But I could also see that the dragon had bits of fur on its body. I thought dragons only had scales. I could feel that the dragon was staring me down. I focused on the dragons eyes. The dragons eyes were a light shade of yellow. the dragon had strong looking legs with large sharp claws. the dragon started flapping its four large wings. saliva started dripping down the dragons mouth. the dragon dragged its tail from side to side on the ground. I exposed my wings and started beating my wings. the dragon stood on its back legs and slammed onto the ground. the ground started to shake. I flapped my wings and started to fly. the dragon flew in the air behind me. "who are you?" I asked. The dragon flew closer. the dragon grabbed my neck and whispered. "I am, death." The dragon replied. 

I suddenly woke up in the room. the morning sun bathed my body in sunlight. I lifted the blanket and Aqua wasn't there. Aqua probably woke up already. my body was sweating. My neck was sore for some reason. I walked to the bathroom and saw that my neck was bruised. there was a strange hand print on the side of my neck. I walked out of the bathroom. Danika stood in front of the door. I felt slightly embarrassed since I was shirtless. "I can see you've been working out." Danika claimed. I moved out of the way. "were you gonna use the bathroom?" I asked. Danika walked into the bathroom. "why else would I be here." Danika replied. Danika slammed the door. "Of course." I said to myself. I just noticed how much of a mess this place was. I started to clean and fix up the room. I put vases on tables, books back on the shelves, jewelry back in jewelry boxes, chairs up right. I spent two hours cleaning the entire room. I dusted off paintings and hung them back on the walls. suddenly a sweet smell filled the air. the smell was so strong and so divine. I'll find out what the smell was coming from after I'm done cleaning. I spent the next thirty minutes sweeping the floor. I was exhausted from all the cleaning. I sat on a chair in the corner of the newly clean room. the sweet scent grew stronger. Aqua, Leah and Danika walked into the room. Aqua look exponentially happy about my work. "Did you do all of this on your own?" Leah asked. I nodded my head. sweat started to build up on my head. I felt uneasy for some reason. "You should probably put a shirt on." Danika said. Aqua bit her lip. "I personally think he should leave it off." Aqua claimed. The scent was stronger than ever. "do you guys know what that smell is?" I asked. the girls all looked confused. "Its probably my perfume." Leah said. I wiped the sweat off my forehead. "Then why is it so strong?" I asked. Leah felt embarrassed. "Is it bad?" Leah asked. I shook my head. "No not at all, its actually very pleasant." I said. Leah had a smile on her face. Leah's cheeks turned pink. "what happened to your neck?" Aqua asked. I got up from the chair. "You're guess is as good as mine." I replied. Aqua walked up to my and started feeling my chest. "Oh my god, you're bleeding." Aqua said. I walked to the bathroom and saw several small holes in my shoulder around where the bruise was. The small holes slowly poured out bits of blood. "Well what do ya know." I cheered. That cant be the reason I'm tired though. I would've recovered a minute ago. The holes started to have purple lines near each hole. "what the hell is this!" I yelled. I saw Leah's head poke through the door from the mirror. Leah grabbed me by the shoulder and pinned me against the wall. Leah looked at the holes in my shoulder. "How'd you even get this?" Leah asked. Aqua came into the bathroom. the bathroom was small so it was a bit crowded. I gently brushed off Leah's hand. "It's probably nothing, I should be fine." I claimed. Aqua gave me the stink eye. "If you die, ill kill you." Aqua threatened. I giggled slightly. "Lets not worry, were still in Vegas, right." I said. "Lets just chill and have some fun." everyone went silent. "Zack's right, lets have fun." Danika agreed. I walked out of the bathroom. I walked to the front door and opened it. Outside was an alleyway. I could see the flashing red and blue lights at the end of the alley. I didn't think much of it. When I got to the end I could hear cops talking to people. "excuse me ma'am, have you seen a kid with two different eye colors, one of them is brown and he other is black." The officer described. I peaked through the side to see what's going on. "He also has incredibly deep dark black hair." The officer described. There's no mistaking it, the cop was talking about me. I went back down the alley. "What going on?" Leah asked. I held my arms around her, hiding her behind me. "The cops are on us." I responded. I could hear Danika giggling. "we need to leave, right now." Aqua exclaimed. Aqua went further back into the alley. We had no choice but to follow. The back of the alley lead out of the city. 

an angel born from darkness.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora