Chapter 9 - More of your time...

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Even after our kiss or our date, she still didn't change much with me. And it really frustrated me. I really really liked her and she just saw me as a friend. I didn't know how many hints I could throw at her before she'd say something about it

Maybe she wasn't made for dating. And maybe I did have to get used to be just her friend, she needed a friend, and I could try to give her that I suppose, college life is hard as it is, so overwhelming, I can't imagine what it feels for her and I wanted to be by her side to help her through that.

I wonder how could've been if she actually gave me a chance. How would I handle that relationship? It wouldn't be a common one for sure, but just the thought would make my stomach flutter.

I'm smitten over her. I can't really deny it to myself.

The clock on my phone turned 4pm. She was supposed to come, I hated to be limited to see her, but she was so strict with her calendar appointments and times.

When she arrived I smiled up at her and she took her usual spot sitting to my right. She smiles back "hey Noah" she says sweetly, last time I saw her she said my kiss left her her lips tingly.

"hey Liv" I reply, I wanted to see what she was gonna say or do, but she just stayed silent waiting for me to start the conversation. To do the usual.

"I missed you" she said quietly, I look up at her, my face can't really hide my surprise. I hope I am not smiling like an idiot, but I'm pretty sure I am

"really? I have missed you too, I really like spending time with you and a week waiting to see you seems like a long time" I blurted out quickly. I was going to take it slow but she started me, couldn't really stop then. it was like i was vomiting words.

"it is, we can schedule another meeting some other day of the week?" she says already taking her phone out to cheek her free spots.

"we don't have to plan it" I place my hand on her phone to gently move it down, she looked up at me

"but that's the only way, how else are we gonna know we're free?" she says frowning and I chuckle a little.

"how about we just ask each other? I have an idea, what time are you having lunch tomorrow?" I ask and she bites her lip in thought.

"12:45 to 1:15" she replied almost instantly.

"Perfect, can i have lunch with you tomorrow?" I ask boldly, she just nods softly. "don't bring anything, I'll take you somewhere"

"but.." she starts complaining

"I'll make sure it's something you like, I promise" I tell her softly.

"Okay, I'll just..." she takes out her phone and she scheduled the appointment, would she really forget if she doesn't write it in her planner or she's just extremely organized? My phone vibrates in my pocket and i know she just sent me the invite, I shake my head and chuckle to myself.

"How were your classes today?" I try to make light conversation. Just asking her out again made me so nervous that i needed a light hearted conversation.

"The teacher loved the essay i handed out today, thanks for the tips you gave me" she smiled at me cutely and i smiled back, widely.

"Really? that's so great, i'm happy i could help." i was excited, i liked being helpful to her, i liked that we had to work on homework together as an excuse for me to spend time with her.

Sooner than i thought, her phone goes off again, letting her know that she has a class in about 10 minutes. I sigh looking down

"I gotta go, I'm sorry" she frowns and i try to fake a small smile and shake my head

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