Chapter 1. Origin

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Narrator: My name is Alan and I am a normal boy and I am 12 years old.

Narrator: I'm a great guy, or well, that's what everyone tells me.

Narrator: I always get along with many people, sometimes I tell them some jokes, other times we play and other times we just walk.

Narrator: I've always liked superhero movies.

Narrator: I always dreamed of being a hero that saves everyone.

Narrator: Everything that happens to me in my life is great, I have no problem.

Narrator: I am a very happy person and I hope that never changes.

Narrator: Since that accident happened, strange things have happened to me.

Narrator: Since then I have had powers and I have dedicated myself to saving people.

Narrator: While I save people, evil lurks and I will have to stop them.

Narrator: This is the story of how I became a true hero.

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