Mark Beaks x Reader: Fame? What about it?

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"(Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n). Nice to meet you as well, Mark!" She smiled at him, making Mark confused. It's like she didn't really know him. How could someone in Duckburg not know him!? He was always trending, a billionaire, and a founder of Waddle! This thought really riled him up.

Determined to make himself known to her, he tries to connect more. "So uhh (Y/n)? You really don't know me?" Mark asked nervously causing the female to look at him with a raised brow.

"We just met? How would I know you until now?" Sincerity etched her face and response, as Mark still couldn't believe that this girl didn't know who he was.

He decided to give a few more details to bring more clarity. "Mark Beaks, the CEO of Waddle? The one who made the Waddle phones and an app to not leave you hanging in a high five? The one who was always trending on InstaQuack? A billionaire who's one of the rivals of Scrooge McDuck?" He stated. The girl blinked twice to process what he said.

She knew about Waddle and Scrooge McDuck along with InstaQuack, but she doesn't use the app much. No wonder she never heard of Mark Beaks! She was embarrassed that a famous billionaire was right in front of her and she didn't even know him!


"I-I'm so sorry! I ju-" She was suddenly cut off by a waitress.

"Here's your 2:15 coffee, sir! With almond-infused foam, just like you specifically said!" The waitress smiled and gave the coffee to Mark. "It's such a huge honor serving you, sir!" She squealed, making Mark roll his eyes. "Yeah yeah... Just take the tip and the selfie and go." He said as he handed the waitress a tip. She squealed and took the selfie, and left them be.

(Y/n) was even more embarrassed hearing that waitress praise Mark like some sort of celebrity. She pondered if she should even treat him differently like how the others did to Mark. Does he like being pampered with attention? Does he like the overwhelming crowds? Should she be excited around him too?

Mark took a sip of his coffee, waiting for the female to finish her sentence. "As I was saying... I'm really sorry! I just don't know you... I'm familiar with the things you said, but not you! I don't use InstaQuack much, and I just don't pay attention to people that much... I'd rather focus on myself before obsessing or worrying about others, you know?"

He took one more sip and placed his cup on the table. "I totally get what you mean! I don't really care about others rather than myself! We totally vibe the same goals!" He beamed. He found her rather intriguing: to talk to someone who doesn't know much about him or his fame - she could like him as a person rather than the persona and success, and that notion intrigues him.

"What's your take on fame?" He causally asks.

"Like how I see influencers?" She clarifies as Mark nods. She takes a sip of her drink and faces Mark. "I'm not really the type of person to base someone on how famous they are. In fact, I kind of despise people who use the media to influence others to an unrealistic standard and mindset by prying on their desires. I mean, yeah, you're famous, but if you're a jerk, would people respect you for who you are? Or would they respect you because of your fame? It's sad to see that people love these influencers, but they don't like them as a person, you know? I think I heard something similar from Bojack Horseman..."

"Oh! That episode! I relate to what he said so much! I have a photo of that quote!" He shows her his phone, earning a chuckle from her.

"Oh! That episode! I relate to what he said so much! I have a photo of that quote!" He shows her his phone, earning a chuckle from her

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