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"Chyna hurry!", yelled Star. I rushed and tightened my black six inch heels up and adjusted my turquoise bra along with my thong. I slid my mask on and walked towards the stage. "Ladies and gentlemen... this fine, beautiful woman lights up the stage with every single movement ... get ya stacks ready to throw... we give you Chyna!", announced the host. I breathed in and out, said a quick prayer and headed out. I walked out looking towards drunk woman, horny men and my co-workers facing my way. "God, don't mess up Chyna", I said in my head. As I started gripping the pole, I hit the splits and moved my ass cheeks. I did this as half of the men watching threw dollar bills and cheered. My show lasted for at least four songs. "You did good, baby!", Star hugged me. "Thank you, boo", I replied out of breath. I felt a pair of eyes burn in the back of my head. I turned to see a tall male smirking. "Prolly them niggas who just chill afterwards", I shrugged and walked backstage with Star.

Omg sorry if this sucks. 😳
This is my first story sooooo.... 😁
Comment and issh like that 💁 Muaaaah 💋
If youu dont like it, it coo . 😌

~ King.👑

the one that got away.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora