Was that how his Quirk worked? He'd used bits and pieces of his own body to create a goo that would wrap around others? My stomach turned at the thought. There were a lot of gross Quirks out there, but having that kind was pretty disturbing.

Goro left the room, holding the door open for Nightshade. She waved and gave me a playful wink before she ran after her partner in crime. The woman even took a hold of the door from him and made sure to blow me a kiss before she shut the door on me.

With the door closed, I felt the room darken even more than it was. My head turned to look at the dark walls, noticing how they were looming over me. The paintings that hung on them looked larger than what they were.

A chill brushed from behind my neck. I shivered, wrapping my hands around my arms, feeling the tiny goosebumps forming. No matter how much I rubbed my hands up and down, all I could feel was the room growing colder and colder. It didn't help that I was in a short dress.

"Tami," the low voice cut through the silence, only this time, it was much closer than before.

I turned away from the door, finding the man towering over me. For me to look up at his face, I had to look all the way up. He was definitely taller than anyone I had ever seen before, and it wasn't calming my nerves one bit.

Even if he wasn't so tall, he still would've looked intimidating with the black suit he wore. He wore a black tie and a black dress shirt underneath it too, which made his green colored hair stick out even more. Something was familiar about his green hair, but I couldn't place it at first.

Had I seen him before? If so, where? Where could I have...

My eyes widened as I took a couple of steps back. He was the man from the festival! The very same one who prevented me from falling. I knew when I first met him something was off, but I honestly just thought it was that I had bumped into someone.

He was also the same man who visited the fortune teller tent before my friends and I did. He must have wanted this whole thing to happen, which meant this whole thing wasn't an accident. He made sure everything would happen, so I was here.

It just didn't make sense.

"Wh-wh-what do you want from me?" I asked.

The man tucked his hands into his pants' pockets. "You're Tami Smith?" he asked, not sounding very impressed.

For a moment, I didn't answer him. Instead, my hands just froze as they slid down to my elbows, pulling my arms closer to my body. Why was it he was in disbelief with who I was? My stomach dropped the more he stared down at me. His thin lips pressed down into a frown, almost as if he wasn't buying it.

"You're the girl with the shapeshifting Quirk?" he asked.

I slowly nodded my head, taking a step back. As I did, I could feel the door press against my back. My head turned to see the doorknob right there. Maybe, I could quickly make a run for it.

The moment the thought came into mind, the man let out a sigh. "Don't you dare think about it. Nii and Goro will be waiting outside."

My head dropped, so I could avoid looking at the man. Whatever he wanted from me, I just wanted him to get it over with. There was obviously nothing I could do about it. All I wanted was to go home and get away from this place.

There was just one problem with what I wanted. I was outnumbered. No matter how I'd use my Quirk, they'd be able to stop me. Their Quirks were much more powerful than my own. I could only look like other people. Goro's Quirk allowed him to melt parts of him off in order to trap people inside a sticky goo. Nightshade could knock people out with a kiss. This man in front of me, well, whatever his Quirk was, it was enough to make him the boss. Whatever it was had to be more powerful than the other two.

I'm No Hero (My Hero Academia Fanfic)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα