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Taehyung was completely and utterly shocked.

He had found a secret file on Jungkook's computer. No- scratch that, it wasn't even a secret file. It had just been somewhere in his documents, in the map labeled photos, and then in the map loser.

Taehyung had maybe gotten a bit curious about Jungkook's life, now that he had control over his body. Instead of waiting around for a solution, he decided to take advantage of the situation and snoop around a bit.

They had first discussed living in their own apartment because they absolutely disliked being in each other's. But they dismissed the idea when Jimin was mentioned. The assistant would surely not be amused if he'd find Taehyung's body inside of Jungkook's room.

And so Taehyung had been browsing on Jungkook's laptop, trying to find some cheeky stuff but all he got where boring excel sheets. But somewhere in his documents were photos and ooh boy were they a real surprise to Taehyung.

They were all of him.

At first he thought it was because he sometimes modeled for Jungkook's company and so the male got those photos as well. But then he found photos from other shoots and then from meetings and parties that seemed to be sneakily taken by Jungkook's phone.

Taehyung's face reddened at the thought of Jungkook taking photos of him. The tips of his ears are blazing when realizing Jungkook had been sneakily admiring him. The blonde had no idea why but his heart started pounding harshly against his ribcage at that thought.

Jungkook on the other hand was digging his way through Taehyung's browsing history. He dismissed the porn websites he found and instead found some curious search words Taehyung had used the past months.

They mostly consisted out of his name, Jeon Jungkook, and the company he worked for. He had first thought this was because Taehyung wanted to find out more about the company he was modeling for. But the websites and photos he clicked on solely existed out of either Jungkook's personal information of pictures taken of him by admirers.

Jungkook's company was quite big and he was quite handsome as well. So many women liked the idea of drooling over him and so a few fan pages came to existence after a while.

And it seems Taehyung was following these fan pages.

He had no idea how to process that information.

It wasn't long before both of the males found themselves sitting inside of Jungkook's apartment since they needed to have a talk about the information they gotten the day before. Both men were internally awkward as they thought back about the things they had found on each other's computers.

But that internal awkwardness quickly turned into an outer one when Taehyung made a comment he shouldn't have made.

"What did you just say?"

Jungkook's jaw had gone slack at the words that had come out of Taehyung's mouth. He couldn't believe the boy had went through his files like that. Those were personal!

"I don't remember", Taehyung mumbled, cheeks ablaze.

The other wasn't buying it, "You went through my files!?"

Taehyung rolled his eyes though the blush was still on his face, "Of course I did! And why the fuck do you take photos of me in secret? What are you? Some creep?"

"You're a model! What does it matter if I have some extra photos?", Jungkook replied, leaning back against the chair he was in.

"Oh my god Jungkook, that's not how it works!", Taehyung yelled as he got up from his chair, "Only creeps take secret pictures!" He angrily headed into the kitchen.

"Well, only creeps follow fan pages of people they seemingly hate", Jungkook retorted and smirked when he noticed the other stilling in his movements. He got up from his chair as well, "Oh, you didn't think I'd go through your computer as well? Mr. Gguklover2015".

Taehyung slowly turned around, "What the fuck Jungkook".

Jungkook arched an eyebrow and crossed his arms as if he was challenging the other,"What the fuck Taehyung, you have a fan account about me".

"And you take pictures of me!", the other yelled out, taking a step closer.

Jungkook walked closer, smirk still on his face, "You post fanfictions about me!"

Taehyung gasped, faltering in his step, "T-That was only once! And only because some asked me to!"

"You still wrote it though!", the other grinned, pointing a finger at the boy.

Taehyung slapped the hand away, "Shut up you picture creep!"

Jungkook grabbed the other's hand and pulled him closer. Taehyung came crashing into his chest and gasped as he realized just how firm his own chest was. If he had time to praise himself, he would, but right now he was having a fight with Jungkook. Which was weird since he was basically yelling at his own face.

"You're so bad", Taehyung gritted his teeth as he tried pushing himself away. He was in Jungkook's body so surely he should be stronger than his own body but for some reason he didn't have any strength. It was as if being in contact with the other had made him into putty.

When he looked up, his eyes met those of the other and he gasped when he saw the expression in the dark brown eyes. Jungkook didn't look angry or annoyed or even smug anymore. He was almost smiling down at him, barely fondly.

"I know", Jungkook spoke, "But you are too so it's fine".

They were so close. And it should be weird. Because they're both nearing their own faces. But for some reason it wasn't weird because they knew that the other was in their body.

And suddenly, the other wasn't in his body, and he wasn't in his.

Because the second their lips met, their souls switched again.

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