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Considering the number of goodbyes they have exchanged to-date, one would think by now they would be accustomed to separation. But plethora of sadness still sank its begrudging claws deep into the scars renewed with every heartbreaking farewell.

He held her slight physique close against his chest, recommitting every subtlety and nuance of the woman he loved into memory. As the remaining minutes allotted drew closer, twin pair of arms tightened with unspoken desperation. Nothing could soothe the acute despair burgeoning with every reverberation of their heart.

The former Captain didn't need the chaebol heiress's tears soaking into his jacket to remind him how unfair life was to them. One up North, the other down South; so near, yet so far. Out of 365 days in a year, two weeks was all they were allowed to share together. How could that ever be enough?

"...Final boarding call for Swiss flight LX1622 to Milan..." The boarding announcement came down on the star-crossed lovers sharper than a guillotine.

Steeling himself with unyielding self-discipline, Ri Jeong Hyeok pried away with doleful reluctance ,"...Se-ri... They are calling your flight now...You have to go..."

"... I don't want to..." Yoon Se-ri whined, still trying to bury her head in his chest. He didn't need to see to know that her eyes were bloodshot, swollen red from all the crying.

Lovingly patting her on the head, he recognised the familiar pattern of their departure with twinge of fondness. He knew that her being coquettish was her way of hiding her embarrassment, but he couldn't help finding it endearing.

Stooping down to drop a kiss on her crown, "I'll walk you to your gate..." he whispered.

Taking her hand in his, he led her through the throng of travellers along the busy corridors of Zurich airport, - just as he had the last two times they spent their precious two weeks in Switzerland.

They stopped verbalising their goodbyes for words only made parting more difficult to bear. Only sorrow in their eyes spoke the words unsaid. Forlorn gaze remained locked on each other, - through gates that divided them, through glass that separated them.

And he would always remain until Se-ri was out of sight, until her flight pushed-back from gate, taxied down the runway and took off.

Only then would he allow the tears he held back, unreservedly cascade.

It would be another 351 days before he could see her again, he reminded himself.
But the consolation did very little to alleviate the despondency of being apart from her.


Three months came and gone uneventfully.

Despite doing what he loved now, despite being named the star pianist of the National Symphony Orchestra, - without the regimented lifestyle drilled in him during his civilian military days, Ri Jeong Hyeok has absolutely no idea how he got through a day like any other normal human being. His everyday was carried out with the same mechanical precision, it was mind numbing. Day in, day out he commuted to and fro his parents' abode to the symphony halls where he spend endless hours on the piano perfecting masterpieces after masterpieces. Have meals on schedule but never truly tasting what he ate; it was just simply eating for the sake of eating. Sleep, and then repeat.

The only time Ri Jeong Hyeok showed any interest in life was when he catches glimpse of Se-ri in the news, - albeit news that was probably days, if not weeks old. On routine, he would check the news online twice a day, - once in the morning as soon as he awakens, and once again in the evening before he sleeps. Se-ri knew of his little habit, so she was sure to make headlines at the very least quarterly as her way to keep him updated on her wellbeing.

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