Then I ran into class.

Timeskip at 5 pm

The school is finally over and I'm finally going to see my parents again.

I'm standing in front of my house but no noise was heared. I entered through the main door and put my backpack on the ground.

(Y/N): "MOM!! DAD!! I'M HOME!!"

No response...

(Y/N): "mom? dad?"

I walked around the house to search if there was anyone but I couldn't find anybody.

(Y/N): "Mom? Dad? Are you in your bedroom?"

I opend their bedroom door and found your parents..... Lying dead on the ground.

I yelled, nearly crying.

???: "I can tell you what happend." A deep voice coming from the hallway.

WARNING: There is going to be a Brutal fight. If you don't want to see it, skip to the Text "end Fight"

I turned around to see a man with three kids. The three kids were the bullies from earlier.


Bully 2: "We told our father you beat us up and he is somebody you don't want to mess with!"


Start Fight

Bullies' Father: "No, we did! And now it's your time...

He took out his gun from his jacket.

...T.O D.I.E!!"

He pulled the trigger on me but before it hit me, it stopped mid-air before dropping to the ground.

Bullies: "What?"

I lowered my head to face the ground. Suddenly, A black smoke figure appeared behind me. I raised my head and gave them a creepy smile. Then I disappeared with a maniac laugh fading in the air.

Bully 1: "where did he go?"


He turned around and got stabbed in the shoulder.

Bully 1: "AHHH F#$&! THAT HURTS!"

(Y/N): "But it is still not enough pain."

I stabbed him in the other shoulder and then in the head. Pulling out the knife, a piece of his brain was stuck on it as his lifeless body fell onto the ground.

Bully 2: "You're Insane!"

I threw the knife at his leg and then shot him with a gun. Some of his organs splattered against the wall as he had a giant hole in his stomach.

Bully 3: "p-please, i-i didn't do anything."


I took him, threw him on the Wall and sent 5 knives at him.
The first one Hit bis Leg.
The second one Hit his left hand.
The third one hit his private Part.
The fourth Hit bis stomache and the last one Hit bis face.
He is still twitching but no sign of life was at home anymore.

(Y/N): "Now it comes to you, you little B*stard."

He tried to run away but couldn't move an inch.

Bully's father: "please, have mercy."

(Y/N): "Mercy? Don"t make me laugh. You killed my family and now you ask me to show Mercy? NEVER! THIS IS GOING TO BE FUN. =)"

I threw him to the Wall and paralyzed him. I grabbed the sharpest knife I had and cut open his chest, slowly and painful. He screamed and pleaded for Mercy but I didn't stop.
I cut his whole chest open and refused the heart. Befor he died, he saw his own heart and screamed the painfullest Scream I have ever heared.
Then I turned back to normal again. I fell to your knees and cried for 30min.

End fight

Timeskip to graveyard

I stood in front of my parent's grave I dug for them and buried them in, having some flowers I picked up from a nearby garden ontop.

(Y/N): "I'm so sorry. I couldn't protect you. I hope you both will be happy up in heaven."

You gazed up to the nightskye, then back to the graves..

(Y/N): "Mom, Dad. I'm coming. Then, we'll be together. Forever."

I ran to a Mountan called MT. Ebott. I saw a cave and went inside. I found a deep dark pit in front of me.

(Y/N): ...

I looked down with a sad expression and started to mumble two words:

(Y/N): "I'm comming."

I closed my eyes and jumped down into the deep dark pit of release.


1301 Words.
So I went through my entire story to fix any kind of misspelling or sound more professional, how could all of you not get an entire stroke reading this? I nearly died!

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