-> Charlotte and Paradoxia pull of a great combo to knock Montmorancy out of the battlefield.

-> Krau tried to get on his Siegfried, only to fall backwards and twist his ankle, forcing his team to quit.

-> It seems like plot armour doesn't exist in this universe because somehow, Tenebria's team managed to defeat Ras and his comrades! Unfortunately, due to someone summoning a thick fog, we were unable to tell how it happened.

-> Although Dominiel had frozen Sez, Bellona had managed to evade her attack and countered with her fan magic.

-> It was a close call, but Cermia had defeated Purrgis! Regardless, it still resulted in a disqualification since she eliminated a member of her own team (Cartuja was disappointed).


"I heard Bellona did some Martial Artist Training, so we shouldn't try to engage in close combat," noted Lots.

Charlotte, Aither, Lots and Paradoxia stood off against Lidica, Sez and Bellona.

Lidica swung her whip in the air like she was bored, "Let's get this over with."

"Sez may be on the other side frozen, but that's not gonna stop us from winning this tourament," said Bellona with a smug. Bellona hid her smile behind her fan.

A wind gush to the left, a wind gush to the right. Bellona begun stricking.

"Be careful! Dodge her attacks!" commanded Charlotte.

The team scattered.


Meanwhile on the other side...

"Kayron please! Just one more magic spell from you and we can win this tournament!" pleaded Tenebria, who clung onto Kayron's legs."

Kayron's eyebrows drew closer and his eye twitched a little. He's almost had enough.

"Just cast your void slash again, but this time at the whole battlefield. Tenebria's disco ball will make sure we won't get affected," explained Aki.


"Yuna, look, I think now's our chance to strike. The team is in a pickle with each other," Hazel pointed out.

Yuna nodded, before proceeding to throw Tuna to the air.

"Let's go, Tuna!"

And with that, Tuna splurted out an immense amount of laser beams to hit the whole team.

"Kayron's team is eliminated," said the speakers that surrounded the whole colloseum.

In the debris was Nilgal laying on the ground, whilst Tenebria still wrapped herself around Kayron. Unfortunately, Aki had slipped into the water.

"If you had just co-operated, none of this would have happened!" said Nilgal furiously.

"Oh, that's it," Kayron answered sharply.

"Uh oh, we better go away," said Hazel. And with that, she dragged Yuna away towards the area where Charlotte's team was battling Bellona and Lidica.


Kayron slaughtered the ground with one throw of a sword, shattering half of the battlefield platform. Not long after did Tenebria, Nilgal, Aki and Sez's ice fell with it.

Thankfully, that was enough to break Sez free.


On one end of the half-cut, circular battlefield was a tired Charlotte, with Lots and Aither consuming all their mana to heal her. Towards the middle was a relaxed Bellona, bored Lidica and a recently-back Sez. Whilst at the other end was an observing Hazel and a fascinated Yuna.

Epic Seven: High School ModeWhere stories live. Discover now