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"Thanks for teaming up with me, Charlotte, I'll try not to get in your way," said Aither with excitement; his fists clenched and his eyes were more determined than ever.

"No worries! Let's do some training so we can show the others who's the best."

"Oh no, someone else made Charlotte smile. How dare they!" Paradoxia was angry.

"There you are, we found our final member of our team," Charlotte said eagerly.

"This works well because Lots can boost our combat readiness, and Aither will make sure we don't die during the first few seconds of the tournament. Then, us two will do amazing combos to eradicate any pests!" It was definite that the Lady of the Swamp, Charlotte was really into this; she was also very determined to win.

The three stood in the middle of the school hallway, suddenly debating over strategies.

"Well, Charlotte seems really happy right now, I don't want to ruin the joyous mood. Guess I'll let this girl off the hook for now," Paradoxia thought.


Meanwhile, on the hallway of a different floor...

"It was indubitable that us three were going to be a group," said Bellona with a smug on her face."

"But we can have one more in the group," retorted Lidica.

"We can't have some other person ruin our good synergize as a trio, right Sez?"

Sez was too busy munching on his chocolate-flavoured extra large brioche.

"Anyways, I'll blow them away with my fan magic, you'll surprise everyone with the versatility of your sword whip, and Sez will frighten everyone with his dark power."

"Sounds like a good plan!" Lidica commented.

The three high-fived each other to gesture some sort of celebratory move, but Sez was still busy munching on his sweet brioche.

"If we win this, you have to buy me more brioche, Bellona."


Meanwhile, in the schoolyard, we see Tenebria wrapped around Kayron's legs, whilst Aki and Nilgal are on their knees with their heads planted on the ground, blocking Kayron's path.

"PLEASE, WE BEG YOU, KAYRON. WE NEED YOU!" the trio shouted in harmony.

"How many times do I have to tell you? I'm not interested in some silly tournament!"

"But we get to go against other schools if we win!" they replied, "Do you know how much new strategies we can steal and use to improve our strength?!"

"With all of your stupidity combined, I doubt that will likely happen. This will just be a waste of my energy."

"Please please! this will be the last time we ask you for a favour!" the three persisted.

"You said the same thing last week and the week before! And by the way, I will never go near a spirit altar again, because of what you three idiotically planned."

Kayron continued to drag himself across the ground as he dragged along Tenebria with him.


Yuna and Hazel were talking in the computer lab. Otillie and Haste were also there, but they didn't care about the tournament and preferred to play a certain gacha game instead.

"You see, if we win this tournament, there's a chance that we can go against Karin and Judith from St. Eureka. Let's also not forget that we can promote our robot products if we win the entirety of the tourament," Hazel was careful with her words when convincing Yuna.

"You do have a point..." contemplated Yuna, "But even if I agreed to do it, who would be our two other members?"

"We can ask Rikoris and Ken to team up since they're friendly with us. But even if they refuse, I'm confident that we can beat everyone with just us two!"


"Tuna can fend off any surrounding attackers, you can keep boosting me and I can provide an AoE attack buff that will make sure we deal even greater damage. Here's how it goes..."

Hazel whipped out her notepad and pencil and began scribbling some ideas.

"Oh no," Yuna thought to herself, "She's getting carried away."

Before Hazel could say a word about her plans, Yuna stopped her.

"Okay! I'll team up with you, just no need for any elaborate schemes. I do my thing, you do your thing, and we hope for the best. Does that sound good?"

Hazel nodded.



A/N: If you're wondering why the teams seem so random, it's because I've classified characters to a specific class.

Here's a picture to show you SOME of the different people in different classes:

(Note: If you're not aware of how the school system works, freshmans are the youngest and seniors are the oldest)

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(Note: If you're not aware of how the school system works, freshmans are the youngest and seniors are the oldest)

Epic Seven: High School ModeWhere stories live. Discover now