Intertwined, part 4

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So, summertime finals are a thing, sorry for the wait.

Goodbyes aren't Simon's strong suit, even if he had a little time to get used to the idea of Leo leaving; it's better that he does, because staying any longer would invite disaster, or so Leo claims. Nico supports this claim, but Simon isn't too sure if he's doing it because it really is the truth or because he's uncomfortable staying around strangers; he wouldn't blame the guy for the second, but Simon wants to trust Leo, so that means trusting Nico too.

He's being a little unfair too, he knows being undead is what makes Nico uneasy towards him, because he's confessed to being able to control zombies, and sometimes even ghosts; and vampires feel like they belong to Hades' realm. Simon thinks that makes a lot of sense, he also thinks it makes sense that Nico is cautious around Magnus considering demigods' relationships with immortals; his reaction to Izzy is explained a little more mundanely, in the sense that she's a beautiful person who shares interests with Leo, Simon is jealous too.

The difference there is that Nico is actually allowed to be jealous, and it's sort of ridiculous that Simon is jealous, because it was stupidly obvious that Leo only had eyes for Nico and vice versa; and by that logic, it's ridiculous that Nico is too when clearly there's nothing to worry about.

Leo seems to realize what's going on, because he takes a moment to arch an eyebrow at both of them before he strides over; and it's only then that Simon realizes Nico and him have been standing together while Leo said goodbye.

"We seem to have similar taste in people Si"

He feels himself flush, but watches amused as Leo directs the next part pointedly to Nico.

"Dark haired beauties who could kick our asses"

Nico actually goes red, because unlike Simon he still has the ability to do so, rolling his eyes; Leo makes a very exaggerated motion as he takes Nico's hand. 

"But I've only got eyes for this one"

Simon knows Leo is making a joke about his being polyamorous, but it also works excellently as flirting ammo, because Nico groans and hides his face against Leo's shoulder. Simon is all sorts of impressed; he's outright speechless when their transport arrives.

To say Simon had never thought he'd get to see a dragon would be a lie, he was once a kid after all, but a mechanical one? That was another story entirely. Leo lets out a laugh, clearly amused by his reaction, but doesn't tease him any, putting his entire attention on Nico instead. 

"Come on ángel, our ride's here"

Simon has to say it.

"Please tell me you've named the mechanical dragon"

Leo laughs again.

"Of course! Meet Festus"

Nico finally detaches himself from Leo.

"It means happy in Ancient Greek"

Simon laughs, partly because he wasn't expecting that from Nico, partly because the name is so very Leo-like, and he's gonna miss the demigod, sue him.

"So, we have to go, but we'll keep contact, so if you see a crow, don't kill it"

Simon gives him a mock salute, and then promptly gives Leo a short side hug.

"You're gonna have to come back sometime"

Leo gives him an entire look.

"Maybe, can't make promises though"

Simon supposes that's fair, considering what life's like for demigods, he offers Nico a hand to shake, and is pleasantly surprised when the Italian actually takes it. As goodbyes go, it's short and a little rough around the edges, but neither can stay much longer now that they're in the open, so Nico and Leo board Festus quickly and leave in a flurry; Simon supposes it could be worse.

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There's something to be said about Nico that he so easily accepts everything Leo's become in these two years as a rogue.

He's never felt like he belonged at either camp, not really, he did feel welcome around Reyna and Hazel; and at one point he'd felt comfortable around Jason and Will. Things had changed the longer he maintained the idea that Leo Valdez was out there, alive and doing good; by the time he came to terms with just how important Leo was to him, Camp Half-blood stopped feeling like a home once again.

He wonders if Will had known all along, or if Nico had managed to fool him just as much as he fooled himself; there wasn't a breakup because their little attempt never got to be much more than that. Jason was dealing with his own travels, after deciding to make sure all gods felt appreciated, this time for real; it meant they only saw him so often, and so Nico had little to no reason for staying.

He's glad to be here now, riding on Festus' back, and the dragon makes so much sense, because no one had seen it since Leo first left; or course it was still loyal to the Latino. It said a lot that no one paid attention to a huge metal dragon disappearing; though Leo had been clearly careful about everything else, what with giving Festus the ability to go invisible, and managing to convince 7 very different people not to tell on him.

They don't have a timeline, not really, though there's a certain amount of time Nico can spend in the air, considering who his father is. For now though, he takes advantage of the situation and the time to fall asleep; an endeavor much easier when pressed against Leo's warmth.

Tomorrow, Nico will start learning what it means to be a rogue, tonight he gets a moment of peace. 

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