A Shocking Secret Reveal

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The bell rings for break everyone got up quickly and left except for Harry I turned round to see Harry still in his seat so I knealed next to him and  poke at Harry's Cheek to wake him up several times before he woke up.

"The answer is c" he jumped up I laughed "what you'd spell the baby"

Harry smirked : Nope but you could" I give him a look "if you actually had a cold heart"

"How do you know I don't?" I questioned giving him my sassy response only to not brace myself for what he would do next.

Harry's hand gently reaches behind me he's probably trying to stroke my hair but he doesn't he puts his free hand on my heart my heart races as he our eyes connected for what felt like hours he softly spoke after a few seconds "cause if that was true I'd not be able to feel it beating" my god he's dreamy but he knows it himself. Eww did I just use dreamy in a sentence... Then I remembered.

I removed his hand. "Harry you have a girlfriend... Audrey" his eyes showed sadness "she's already been hurt before by mal and Ben no matter if she was to by the rules she wanted to make her family proud"  Harry interrupted me

"What's that got to do with u.." Harry was about to say before I cut him off

I read her diary she was truly hurt by what Ben and mal did for nearly two years she kept that heartache and jealousy... I don't want her to have any more hurt

So i" Harry again tried to speak but I refused to let him. 

"if you truly like her then you better cut the flirting down... With all the girls" I quickly leave him to his thoughts and rushed out wiping my eyes softly with my hand. I wasn't looking where I was going before I bumped into someone.,

"Heyy" melody shouted

I shrugged "I didn't see you no harm done" I go to leave

Melody : so now what's your plans you helped bring these vks here what else you gonna try and do and how does it happen that hades can get out and all the villians who did our hero parents wrong get to be free

I cut her off "listen not all the villians are free off the isle only the ones who have really shown change like hades and the side kicks are free.

Melody questions so there's no evil scheme you and your mother are plotting to get back of my mother father and grandfather?

I looked her in the eyes "as I said before our parents lives are not our own I don't have a problem with you in fact I want to see if we can be friends.

Melody laughed. "us friends my grandfather would forbid it?"

I shrugged "I'm sure you have broken a few of his rules as your mother did"

Melody stayed silent

I shrugged and grabbed my books from the floor "I gotta go meet King Ben he wants to speak to me see you around Mel" I quickly leave.

I head to the castle where Ben's secretary at first wouldn't let me in

"King Ben asked me here" I say

"King Ben's very busy"

I again argued "yes not busy for me trust me we shared the same goals and all that mumble jumbo in the end I just went passed her and levitated to the hall way. The door was opened slightly so I went in.

Hey Ben you wanted to.... I cover my eyes" oh you too get a room"

I hear rustling and quickly trying to put shirts and jeans on.

Hey look its fine perfectly natural that two people in love are experiencing. I say going to walk away"

Uma" I hear Ben call out "you can't tell anybody about this"

I Laughed yeah I won't Ben and I look over and my mouth opened stunned as I see two hands under the desk hiding My hands once light as a feather closed into fists I swing to get out my sword Ben grabbed me quickly closing the door and pins me to the door.

"let me go!"

No uma please you need to listen...

" No! You... Your cheating on mal!"Ben covers my mouth quickly I had a mind the bite it off or better yet feed it to the crocodile.

Ben : it isn't like that... We... I..." he whispered

"I argued" what about all that talk that you love her? you proposed to her  Ben? You faked it all" Ben shook his head arguably.

No no i never lied I did love her I do love her just... I was confused

"Oh so what it's just an experiment then?" I hit back hard at him.

Ben looks down. "I can't help my feelings uma I knew the risks for my kingdom I know they may not accept this and mals amazing incredible in fact...

I growled you can't just use her Ben!

"I'm not... Mal knows...
I can't change who I am uma"

Ben : I am in love with a boy... Not just any boy the sweetest kindest boy uma

The figure comes out of the desk shakingly.

"You love me" I heard the familiar voice Ben slowly let his hand off my mouth.

I look to the figure slowly scanning from the ground to eye contact.

"To see Carlos standing there"


Ben is in love with Carlos?

Will uma listen to them or will she tell  someone?

What about the scene with Harry and uma was uma right to let Harry go.

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