Kiss Me Tenderly

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Ella is the good girl, with the good grade, great parents, great friends, but not so great school life. Shane is the bad boy, with the not so good grades, douche bag friends, hot sex buddies, and great life at school. You would think that these two completely different people wouldn't get along, but oddly they do. They're best friends...have been since they were little. Crazy right? Ella never thought that Joel would have feelings for her and when the guy next door makes his move it confuses her even more. But what happens when her best friend is put into this love triangle? Will she know what to do? Well, after a life changing party, realization of feelings, and the fight of life time. Let's not forget the mind blowing kiss that... Changes everything.


Okay, i'm honestly so stupid, and idiot to not have posted this book yet! No actually i'm crazy! I've been a crazy fan of this book, and enjoyed every single part of the book, and may have commented on every single chapter, yet I had not posted this book on here. Well anyways, now I am, and I'm telling you guys, there are a few books that i'm passionate about, actually no, I love a lot of books, but this book is outstanding, amazing, rocking, emotional, a roller coaster, fantastic, oh my it's everything! The journey of this book is definitely a roller coaster, so many things happen and that's the great thing about the book, you can't stop reading it! You just got to keep going till the end and see where everything leads you too. So it is a MUST, i'm not going to say anymore because it's best to be left unsaid :D and let you guys read it :) This book also has a sequel to it which is still ongoing. To be honest I didn't want to read it :( Sorry Alex! because of the description. but you know what I'm not going to let it stop me, and i'm going to read it<3 So I will read that soon, and maybe do a review on it later on, or once it's complete. Remember to check the book out, and comment and vote and follow the authour :D

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