Pizzeria Boy

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❝Hello, this is the Harrison Pizzeria, how m-❞ 


❝Ma'am, this is not Logan, I'm Marv!❞ 

❝Uh... no hablo inglés.❞


Many people I'm sure have seen this book and read it, and if you haven't then you are freaking crazy! and go read the book, even before my review! Because this book is like, AAAH! I don't know how to explain in words, but it's PERF. You will love this book, and want more because that's how awesome and great and fabulous this book is! You will love the characters, the dialogue, the banters, everything! And even if the chapters are small! It doesn't matter because the it's about the quality and not quantity! And this book defo matches that saying! Some books are just hard to review because they are well written and the storyline is soo amazing, that you don't know how to describe it! So without much further ado! GO READ, VOTE, COMMENT and FOLLOW!

Books That Have Left Me ObsessedΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα