I looked down at my watch. 8:03. Christ.

"I've got this meeting in half an hour with the President, President Brodeur, and Abernathy."

He quirked an eyebrow. "Abernathy? Dropped the Mr. already? You just might last around here."

I rolled my eyes again. "The man has a power trip. Nobody ever said Mr. Hitler to Adolf."

"Yeah, but I'm pretty sure if you call him "Mr. Chief of Staff", he'll jizz his pants."

The line was so unexpected and painted such a clear image, that I bursted out a laugh way louder than I wanted to. "Markus!"

"What?" He had that facial expression on his face like a child when they knew they'd done something wrong. "I'm so serious."

I needed that laugh. "Hey, I'm sorry for snapping on you. I haven't had breakfast yet."

"Parker, you know we don't eat around here unless we're three seconds from passing out." Or unless the President ordered you to go home. "You better get used to it."

"I'm working on it, I promise." I turned to leave, holding up my papers. "I better go before I get chewed out. I'm supposed to be taking notes for this meeting."

He reached up a hand to scratch at his beard. It looked like a fresh cut. I could almost see his tanned skin get a bit lighter towards where the line of his beard started. I guess when you're on TV everyday, you had to look your best 24/7. "You should go get a bunch of those cheap $3 chocolates from the gift shop downstairs. The ones wrapped in gold foil. If you ask him about them, Brodeur will swear they aren't better than authentic French chocolate, but I'll tell you what. I have never seen the man turn down a single one ever."

I shook my head, a wry smile on my face. "How do you even know all this stuff?"

"I've been here a while. Stick around Parker. You'll learn. Good luck." He turned to walk way, but this time it was me getting his attention again.

"Hey, you've saved my ass two days in a row. How do I repay the favor?"

He looked as his watch before looking back up. "Have lunch with me."

"I thought we didn't eat until we were dead?" I teased.

"Is that what I said?"

"More or less."

"Yeah, well, I make exceptions for friends. It's been getting a little dull around here." This time he really did turn away. "I'll come get you." He said as he started to stroll away.

"I didn't even say yes!" I called after him, but he ignored me, choosing instead to throw up his hand, waving me off.

I laughed to myself. I'd made a friend.

Look at me now Mom.

I caught the time out of the corner of my eye in the large grandfather clock pushed against the wall.



I took off down the hallway in a jog.

Everyone else would have to just deal.

I caught up to Abernathy in the hallway. He spotted me before everyone else did and I got the darkest stare I'd ever received and I'd been on the opposite end of some corporate showdowns before. I didn't let it get to me though, and I strolled up to them confidently. I watched as Nicolas locked eyes with me and suddenly I felt like an ant under a magnifying glass in the scorching sun.

Yes, Mr. President (ManxMan)Where stories live. Discover now