Carla x (part 1)

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When Wall Maria was kicked in Carla was with the kids in the market, Mikasa was helping her pick out food for dinner while Eren was making faces at merchants and Armin was trying to stop him. Everyone including the small family were thrown to the ground with the rumble. Carla ran after the three kids as they ran to go see what it was, when Carla saw the titan head peering over the wall her heart stopped. There was a reason she didn't like the Scouts...because when she was a kid she joined the training corps and eventually joined the Scouts. All of it scared her, she cried on her first expedition and threw up. She befriended a strange girl back in her training days by the name of Hange who was obsessed with titans and learning about titans

"Run!" She heard screams as the titan kicked in the gate, Carla only her muffled screaming as she scooped up the children and started running, hiding in an alley as people trampled over each other. She hid them in a building just as a titan approached and the kids started to cry

"Look at me, hey! I need you three to be quiet...I will make sure we get out of here safe and sound. Just trust me.." Three pairs of eyes stared up at her, tears pouring down their cheeks as they nod. She looked around for anything to help and found a rifle and some matches. She placed the kids by the backdoor away from windows and looked for things to help her. She founs a rifle and a flare gun, maybe if she shot it off a soldier would see it.

"Well, look at long has it been and you're still causing problems Carla." She smiled and looked at Levi grateful

"And you're still coming to bug me." He saw the kids peeking out of the door at him and he stepped into the building and shut the door and she hugged him

"Let's get you and your brats out of here." Eren stood in between them glaring at the man

"Stay away from my mommy." Levi scoffed and ruffled his hair

"Your mommy was my friend first. I'll hug he-"

"Titans in the walls Levi, let's go." Carla scolded the man and kept the children by her as Levi got them to the horse he brought, Ar

Armin hid behind Carla's skirt while Eren stood in front of her trying to look big snd tough, and Mikasa held her and Armin's hands

"Relax kids, these are some friends of mine. Meet Miss Hange and Miss Nanaba, they're both in the Scouts." Armin and Mikasa waved while Eren stood there still with his chest puffed out earning a pinch on the ear from Carla


"Manners Eren."

"Fine, hi! My name is Eren, this is Mikasa and that's Armin."

"Geez Carla when you said you wanted to have a family I didn't expect you to have a whole litter." Nanaba teased hugging her friend

"It's a long story, technically only Eren is mine...well by blood." She smiled and looked down at the two on her right. It didn't take much to get the three kids to fall asleep, between all the running, fear, and crying they had done, they barely made it to the bed. Carla sat at the table across from Nanaba and stirred her tea

"So...any idea with Grisha is?" Carla shook her head frowning

"No clue, he left this morning to go to Wall Rose to see some patients. I have no idea where he is or if he even," She put her head in her hands "ugh, how did we get here? Please tell me that there aren't more titans roaming around that size..."

"Not that we've seen," Nanaba shook her head watching the brunette resting her head on her hand, gazing into the fireplace "so...did you have an affair or something? How did you have so many kids that don't look alike?" Nanaba asked trying to lighten the mood and distract the woman and Carla chuckled and explained the story of her adopted daughter and Armin, the little boy who had grown to love her like a mom and she loved him like a son and now until they could find his grandfather she was his mom.

After some wandering around the headquarters, Carla found herself in front of the commander's door, she raised her fist and knocked lightly on the wood in a rhythmic pattern. Inside the blond man sat up straight recognizing the knock from when they were kids. He put away his bottle of whiskey and cleared his throat

"Come in Carla." He had heard Mike when the man told him about Carla and the kids being here, but he didn't have the strength to go say hello yet

"Hello Erwin." She said giving him a weak smile lingering by the door watching as he stood up and came over to her, wrapping his arms around her

"I'm so sorry you and the kids had to be there today." She relaxed and laid her head on his chest letting out a sigh

"I've never seen an abnormal like that Erwin."

"Neither have I, not even close..." They stood there for a long time, Erwin was exhausted from the expedition and from trying to clear out Wall Maria and Carla from all the running around

"Tomorrow I need to find him." Erwin tensed up, he had never liked Grisha...I mean the man stole Carla away from him.

"Where was he last you saw him?"

"He left to go to Wall Rose for some patients..."

"Let me help you Car." She raised an eyebrow

"I don't think that's a good idea. Besides you're commander now, you're a busy man."

"I don't have to like Grisha to help my friend...and besides I have ways of helping where you can rest with the children and I can do my work." He moved hair out of her face

"You better get along with him...I lost contact with all of you for way too long."

"Yea, last time I saw you...well when we really got to talk Eren was a baby and you and Shadis got into that fight." She nodded and looked up at him

"Oh yeah..." She frowned and shook her head

"I can't wait to see the kids.."

"They'll love you." She smiles.

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