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"Isabel is here!" My mom announced.

"Finally! Could you send her up please?"

My mom didn't answer which meant Isabel was on her way up. It was about time. I not only had to wait for her basically a whole day yesterday but many more hours after that. She better had a good explanation for her complete and utter disrespect to our friendship.

My door creaked open and then Isabel's guilty face slipped through the crack. "Hey," she said. Her voice a little shaky.

"Don't be afraid. Come in." I crossed my legs and then my arms as I sat on my bed.

Isabel walked in laughing nervously. "I'm sorry about yesterday."

I narrowed my eyes at her. "Mhm. You know you got a lot of explaining to do right?"

"What if there isn't a lot to explain?"

I tried to keep a straight face, but I couldn't help but laugh. "Just sit down and tell me. I know you were up to something." She sat down on my bed. "First tell me how you think you did on your test?"

She smiled. "I think I did pretty good actually! I feel like I should get at least a B. I probably could've gotten an A but I messed up on that 5 point question. What's funny is that I actually did everything right, I just forgot to change my answer into a percentage so I know my teacher will take off for that. He's an asshole like that."

"Dang. Not even half a credit?"

"Nope. Like I said, asshole."

"You know what they say. C's get degrees."

Isabel sighed. "Honestly," and then she lied back on my bed. "I don't even care about getting all A's and B's anymore. I feel like that was the old me, high school me. Now, I just want to pass. That's it."

"Tea." She laughed. "Speaking of tea, spill yours."

She sighed and then turned to her side. Her elbow dug into my mattress so her cheek could be propped on the palm of her hand. "I was out with Noah."

I gasped and then she started giggling. "Shut up! What did you two do?"

"Um. Well, after I finished my test, I saw him in the hallways and he saw me and we said hi to each other and he offered to take me out for coffee."

"And what else?"

She smiled. She smiled really hard. Before I was going to ask what I was going to ask, I looked around my room and then at the door to double-check that it was closed. The coast was clear but still, I leaned forward and whispered, "Did you have sex?"

Isabel laughed. "No! I just went back to his place, and we chilled." I raised my brow because what kind of chill? "Not Netflix and chill dummy. Just the regular degular smegular chill."

I narrowed my eyes at her and leaned back to my normal position. "Mhm. I hoped you used protection."

She rolled her eyes and then sat up. "We didn't have sex!"

We both shared a laugh. "I know. I was joking."

She slapped my knee. "So what's the emergency?"

"Well, Valentine's Day is tomorrow, and I need an outfit for the dance. I need to look the cutest I could possibly look. I feel like nothing I have in my closet is cute enough but I also don't have a bunch of money to spend so I don't want to buy anything new. So basically, I need you to go through my closet and make me look good. Really good."

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