-Chapter Two-

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I wake up in an all-white room, and I try to move- I can't, I start to panic a little bit- I don't know what to do.

I'm normally so calm but when it came to be restricted... That was another thing. My thought process gets interrupted by a frightened [Best Friends Name] "[Name]? Are you there..?" He asks carefully.

"Yeah! I'm here.. where are you?" I ask with a slight frown, wondering if he was even beside me.

"I'm in a bed or something, I can't move..." He says while in the process of freaking out.

"Chill out [Best Friends Name], I can figure this ou-" I get interrupted by a phone ringing.

"Is that you [Name]?" [Best Friends Name] asks, I put my one free hand in my pocket and there's a phone, I answer it.

"[Name] and [Best Friends Name], welcome to the first trial." A somewhat robotic voice says through the phone 'first trial- what?' I think.

"You have been restricted to the beds, there are two keys, find them. And get out. If you don't... You'll die. Simple as that!" The voice says.

"You have a healthy five minutes. Have fun!" And the call hangs up, I start to feel up my pockets again, I remember I dropped something while taking the phone out, it was a key! I used the key and got out.

I look over at [Best Friends Name] to see him freaking out and on the verge of crying, as he had a huge fear of death. "Calm down dude. I'll find the key" I say to him, he nods and calms down a little.

'three minutes left...' I think as I walk around the smallish room, I look behind a table, nothing, I look under the carpet... The key! And with only one minute to spare.

I walk over to [Best Friends Name] and unlock his restraints. He gets up and gives me the tightest hug ever. "Thank you [Name], I didn't wanna die no way" He smiles at me.


Thank you for reading chapter two of this story!


💮358 words💮

"Officer Shinogi" A Keiji Shinogi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now