🌺corpse dance🌺

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Kokichi ran through the school hallways.

"Get back here, you little shit..!!" Kaito yelled, chasing him. Kokichi was scared for his life, his frail legs barely even able to carry him. Kokichi turned a corner, and heard Kaito go another way.

Thank god... I lost him, finally.

Kokichi thought, sliding down the wall into a sitting position. He grabbed some bandaids from his bag and applied them to any re opened wounds he may have gotten. It was class time right now, but Kokichi had been chased to the old building- where clubs and other things were. Kokichi sighed in relief, now that his pursuer had lost him. He held his head, which had been throbbing in pain ever since Kaito had began to chase him. However, Kokichi panicked when he heard footsteps.

Instead of Kaito, it was Shuichi Saihara. He was from a completely different school, but, for some reason he came to the old building really often. "Oh, hi, Kokichi." Shuichi smiled a bit at the sight of him. He seemed like such a loser... always wearing that hat, and his bag always being lined with Danganronpa merchandise... that was one of the only things Kokichi liked about him- Danganronpa. Kokichi smiled back, "H-Hi, Shuichi..." He stuttered, unintentionally. He always stuttered for no reason. "Y-You're heading to the roof again?" Kokichi asked.

He sounds like such a simp. He always covers his stupid eyeliner-covered eyes with his hat...

"Yeah," Shuichi said, "Care to join me?" He suggested. Kokichi grimaced at the thought, "N-No thanks," Kokichi replied with a fake smile.

What a creep! I bet he'd rape me if I even went near him-

He was snapped out of his thoughts by Shuichi. "Oh. Okay... good luck, then..." He ran up the nearby stairs. Kokichi was confused by his good luck, before hearing aggressive footsteps behind him. Suddenly, Kaito turned around the corner and spotted Kokichi. He ran over and picked him up by the neck of his uniform. "There you are, you little shit!! Where did you hide my phone?!" Kaito yelled aggressively.

Great... buff dumbass thinks I stole his phone again,

Kokichi thought, before changing his face to a more innocent look, "W-What do you m-mean? I-I didn't take your phone! I-" His plead was interrupted by a punch to the face. And then a kick. A stomp. And another kick, and a punch... and, you get the point.

There he lay, on the floor. Kokichi Ouma, halfway to hell- thanks to his frail structure and other injuries. Kaito had left, so he had to try and recollect himself and patch his wounds. But he could barely move... damn... he really did get it this time. Kokichi painfully began to patch his wounds. It hurt to move.

He heard more footsteps behind him. "Oh my god! Are you okay?!" Kokichi turned around to see a green-haired angel.

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